Wednesday, January 30, 2013

See what Happening in Mali Is what the Holy Spirit Said.

This is what the Holy Spirit said in the prophecy of 2013 that some rumours of wars and wars in some countries.see this on the prophecy of 2013 Things started happening.we saw Jarkata,Indonesia,We saw Brazil, also Mali in Africa.So we as Christians we must pray.See this of Mali.

The United States has decided to provide additional support to the French military in its war against Islamic militants in Mali by conducting aerial refueling missions.
The Pentagon says Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has told the French defense minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, that U.S. Africa Command will provide the aerial refueling support. A Pentagon spokesman says the two defense officials discussed the refueling missions and other topics during a phone conversation Saturday.
U.S. aerial refueling planes would be a boost to air support for French ground forces as they enter areas of Mali that are controlled by al-Qaida-linked extremists.
The U.S. has already been helping France by transporting French troops and equipment to the West African nation.


Flammable and toxic foam soundproofing on the ceiling. Just one exit for a large club that could hold hundreds of people. Not a ceiling water sprinkler system in sight.
These are some of the main causes of the massive death toll in a nightclub fire in Brazil — and none broke any law, raising questions about safety regulations in a nation set to host the World Cup and Olympic Games.
Documents obtained by The Associated Press, including past building and fire safety plan permits issued to the Kiss club, where 234 people died within minutes in a fire early Sunday, showed that such deadly choices were within regulations.
"Do I agree with the fact that there was only one exit? No. Do I agree that the roof was covered with flammable material? No, I don't," said Maj. Gerson Pereira, an inspector with the local fire department. "I would have liked to shut down this place, but then the firefighters could be sued" because no law had been broken.
But the same documents also illustrate that other regulations were broken, including irregularities in the fire safety inspection of the club, as well as violations by the band the club hired whose pyrotechnics are blamed for causing the blaze. Police inspectors say any of these violations were reason enough to shut the club down.
One document shows that the club had already been labeled by fire officials as being at "medium" risk for having a fire. By state law, that designation requires that the club undergo annual inspections. But records show that the last inspection took place in August 2011.
Survivors of the fire have said that the club's fire extinguishers failed to work in early attempts to battle the blaze. Under state law, an extinguisher must have a receipt showing that it had been independently inspected within a year in order for it to be acceptable.
Marcelo Arigony, the lead police investigator in the case, said in a Tuesday press conference that it was clear the fire extinguishers had not been inspected and that they were clearly cheap models that should not be used anywhere.
Perhaps most egregious was what authorities point to as the cause of the fire.
The blaze began at around 2:30 a.m. local time during a performance by Gurizada Fandangueira, a country music band that had made the use of pyrotechnics a trademark of their shows. The band's guitarist told media that the 615-square-meter (6,650-square-foot) club was packed with an estimated 1,200 to 1,300 people, the same estimate police have given. Capacity for the club, however, is under 700.
Police said that members of the band knowingly bought flares meant for outdoor use because they cost a mere $1.25 a piece, compared with the $35 price tag for an indoor flare.
"It's not that this club was working to come within this or that law — the place should have never been open in the first place," Arigony said. "This is a problem that is seen across Brazil, these laws. I can only hope this tragedy brings about change."
Jaime Moncada, a U.S.-based fire-safety consultant with nearly three decades experience in Latin America including large projects in Brazil, said he was not surprised that one exit was permissible under local law.
Shown a blueprint of the club obtained by the AP, he calculated that the farthest point from the front door was 105 feet (32 meters), and regulations in most Brazilian states dictate that a second exit is required only if the distance is 131 feet (40 meters) or more.
For the same reason of distance, Moncada said sprinklers and alarms would not be required.
"For an American audience, it is crazy to think that a place would have only one exit," he said.
In Brazil, he added, that would be the norm.
In the United States, the club would have failed an inspection in at least three ways, according to Moncada: Three separate exits would have been required; the foam would need to be treated with a fire retardant; and it would need sprinklers.
Amid the shock of what was the world's deadliest nightclub fire in a decade, changes in Brazil seemed on the horizon.
In Brasilia, the nation's capital, lawmakers in the lower house worked on a proposal that would require federal safety minimum standards across Brazil. Now states individually create such laws. The O Globo newspaper reported on its website that the mayor's office in Santa Maria ordered all nightclubs closed for 30 days while inspections are carried out.
Elsewhere, the government of the country's biggest city, Sao Paulo, set to host the opening match of the 2014 World Cup, promised tougher security regulations for nightclubs.
The Folha de S. Paulo newspaper reported that in Manaus, which will also host World Cup matches, nightclubs with empty fire extinguishers and unmarked emergency exits have been shut down and fined. And in Olympic host city, Rio de Janeiro, a consumer complaint hotline has received more than 60 calls since Sunday's tragedy denouncing hazardous conditions at night spots, theaters, supermarkets, schools, hospitals and shopping malls.
Outraged citizens in Santa Maria are demanding change.
Elise Parode, an 18-year-old student taking part in a protest before City Hall, chanted with all her might along with about 500 others, pushing up against the door of the building as municipal guards kept them from entering.
"We want justice! We want the government held accountable, just like the owners of the bar!" she yelled as the crowd around held aloft poster-size photos of the fire's victims. "Our own government doesn't know the laws — we're not safe until they do."
Associated Press writers Bradley Brooks in Santa Maria and Justin Pritchard in Los Angeles contributed to this report.

Seven Prophetic Promises

Pastor BennyI trust that you have prayed and sought the Lord to reveal exactly what He wants to show you in the next few minutes.
Is your life abounding with blessings, or does it seem as if you and your loved ones are repeatedly harassed by chaos or crisis for no apparent reason? If so, I encourage you to keep reading, for I believe the following teaching contains important Scriptural principles and promises that can set you free and change your life forever!
During a recent This Is Your Day program, Dr. Todd Coontz had a powerful word for the body of Christ, and I want to share the seven key points from his message about what God wants to do for you in 2013.
“In spite of all that is going on with the world’s economic system,” Todd began, “your future doesn’t depend on the world’s circumstances and standards. It is time for you to rise up and claim your godly inheritance! The best days for believers are just ahead!”
Seven Prophetic Promises
With that in mind, let me briefly share these seven prophetic promises for 2013:
# 1: There will be an abundance of more.We have to be willing to receive from God. God wants to give more if we will increase our capacity to receive. He wants to lift our faith level!
One point to remember: God doesn’t always pour out a financial harvest first. Many times He showers us with ideas and breakthroughs that turn into a financial harvest. Our friend Oral Roberts called these “concepts, insights, and ideas.” Your entire life can change literally overnight as God pours out His wisdom on you. Those who tap into this outpouring of increased opportunities will truly be revolutionized during the coming months, and I want you to be one of those people!
# 2: This will be a year of growth and expansion.God wants to enlarge your territory. God’s marching orders have never been, nor will they ever be, to stand still. He wants you to expand, to tear down strongholds. In fact, Todd said that this will be a year for me to preach as I’ve never preached before—to enlarge and expand.
The difference between your today and your tomorrow is your information. And that information comes to us from God through an act of faith. Every one of these seven prophetic promises for 2013 requires an act of faith. You see, the only way to please God is through acts of faith. God is not moved by your needs but by your faith. So when you act in faith, that action moves the hand of God. That applies to receiving wisdom, knowledge, and information from God, then acting on it to see great multiplication in your life!
# 3: God will be your unlimited Source of supply.
It’s time to readjust and realign your faith-life! There is a major difference between the world’s prosperity message and the Gospel’s prosperity message. The message of the world is greed: Get all you can get! But the message of the Gospel is knowing the will of God and using His abundant overflow to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
There are 2,250 Scriptures dealing with money, and the Bible focuses much time on being a good steward over your money. How you handle your finances determines how you handle your life, because “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21).
The difference between a nonbeliever and a believer is greed versus giving. Refocus your faith and begin to trust and believe God.
See God as your unlimited Source of supply! Your faith will take you as far as you will believe. And it is up to you and me to take the limits off. Nothing is impossible with God.
# 4: God will silence your adversaries.
Many have been through terrible struggles during the past year or two. Perhaps you are still involved in major struggles right now—relationships, finances, roadblocks, job loss, illness. God is ready to turn things around for you as you follow Him in faith this year—just as He did for Moses, David, and others throughout the Bible.
I believe that this will be a year when God will silence your enemies. You will be vindicated from all that has been said against you. He will give you the plan, the strategy. He’s going to fight for you and scatter your enemies. He will renew broken relationships. This is going to be the year when God is going to fight your battles for you!
There will always be battles, but God will help you defeat your enemies! I’m ready for that, aren’t you?
# 5: This will be a year of unusual miracles.
Your breakthrough is coming! The Bible tells us, “This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams” (Acts 2:16-17).
We are seeing this happening all around the world. What better vision than the Great Commission: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19). People are responding like never before as we share the life-changing and miracle-working Gospel everywhere we go. These are truly prophetic days! And God has so much more for us to do in 2013!
That is why I was so excited when Todd taught on this key point. He said, “As people plant their seed in 2013, it will be a year of triple-favor harvests!” What you sowed last year will come to a harvest this year. God is going to reschedule a new season for your seed. He’s going to bring new life into that dormant seed you planted before!
# 6: This will be a year of great financial anointing.
There is a distinct anointing for finances. This anointing is when God anoints your ears, your mind, your decision-making, and your wisdom.
This will be a year when you will have supernatural guidance greater than ever, especially in the area of finances. What a wonderful promise He gives us: “I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel” (Isaiah 45:3).
The Lord wants to lead you to riches in secret places. He knows where the opportunities are. He knows where the ideas and concepts are. If you will learn to listen to Him, and then respond through your faith, He will show you what you should do, the roads you should take, and the doors you should walk through. He is ready to intensify His leading through 2013!
You will experience a constant anointing that will abide! In fact, it is clear that God wants believers to live debt-free. There will be uncommon millionaires birthed so we can bring in the end-time harvest of souls. The most expensive part is not preparing the soil or planting—it’s harvesting. So we need the most support now to bring in the end-time harvest!
# 7: This will be a year of total recovery and restoration.
 The year 2013 will be a year of total recovery and restoration, but it will be more. Like God gave Job double for his trouble (Job 42:10), this will be more than recovery and restoration.
Promotion is getting ready to happen throughout the body of Christ. And this will be the year when influential people enter your life. Get ready, for promotion is knocking on your door. You are going to be promoted. When others are missing opportunities, you will have greater opportunities because you are a child of God who is willing to act in faith. You are in covenant with the King of kings and the Lord of lords! God is going to authorize you to have divine recovery and restoration and increase!
And I especially want to reemphasize the importance of divine increase. God wants to promote His children. It will be astounding to see what happens next! And this is going to require a swift act of faith.
There is such a strong anointing right now for those who receive these prophetic promises and act upon them! And I believe this anointing belongs to you, as a child of God! It is your covenant right to have it every day.
Giving releases the treasures of heaven on your life and triggers your triple-favor anointing for prosperity. Greater levels of giving release an even more abundant outpouring.
The Triple-Favor AnointingI am so stirred in my heart to encourage you, my precious partner, to step out in faith to plant a $300 missions and evangelism seed today. There is a powerful anointing in this $300 seed, especially in 2013. Three is the number of Trinity. Three is the number of the Resurrection. Three is a powerful number.
I want to come into covenant with you right now for a triple-favor anointing on your life. I’m asking you as my partner to plant a $300 missions and evangelism seed to help preach the Gospel around the world.
But if you cannot give a gift of $300, I challenge you to give a gift of $130 or even $30. And know this: God wants to bless you with a triple-favor anointing in your business, in your real estate transactions, and with a person who will favor you and bless you. But you must release this triple-favor anointing with your seed.
I’m believing with you that a triple-favor anointing will come upon you as you step out in faith today. What satan has stolen from you, he will not just give back, but “he shall restore sevenfold” (Proverbs 6:31). Just think of how your life will change once everything the enemy has taken from you is supernaturally restored!
I sense so strongly that 2013 is a year of the birthing of uncommon millionaires. I don’t know how God’s going to do it. He could do it through an idea, through an open door, or through an opportunity.
Sow your seed today. Obey the Lord. Step out in faith. Sow the seed for the Gospel.
I encourage you to give as God directs and to release that favor quickly. When you sow this seed, you sow it with expectation. You increase your capacity to receive. You don’t have to apologize for saying, “God, I am believing You to do this for me!”
I release the financial anointing on your life, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. I decree triple-favor anointing over your life.
But remember, everything begins with a seed! In the beginning God said that as long as the earth remains, there will be seedtime and harvest: “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22).
Sow your seed today. Take a step of faith and move into the seven prophetic promises! Your life will never be the same.
For it is “not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6)…
Everlastingly at it,

Benny Hinn

Does God Really Have a Plan for My Life?

Part 2: God– the Master Artist

In the winepress we find a trembling, perspiring coward hiding for his life when the Angel of the Lord appears to Gideon and calls him a “mighty man of [fearless] courage.” At first those words almost sound like cruel sarcasm, but there was no smirk on the angel’s face. God was not mocking Gideon, nor did He have Gideon confused with someone else. God saw something in Gideon that no one else saw, including Gideon himself. How comforting it is to know that God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Oh, my friend, when you understand what God sees when He looks at you, it will change your life. Let me explain it this way.
In the early 1500s a twenty-five-year-old artist and sculptor labored tirelessly with hammer and chisel over a colossal block of cold marble. Other artists had rejected the stone because it had defects, so it sat untouched for several decades before this young sculptor saw something beautiful in it. He worked night and day with obsessive dedication. When someone asked him why he was working so hard on that old stone, he replied, “Because there is an angel in that rock that wants to come out.” Nearly three years after starting his work, the young artist, Michelangelo, unveiled his enduring masterpiece: a seventeen-foot-tall sculpture that today is known the world over as David.
Anyone who is an artisan will acknowledge that before a masterpiece is ever crafted, it exists in the mind of its creator. Before a brush strokes the canvas, before a chisel touches the stone, before the clay is placed on the potter’s wheel, before the artist creates a painting, sculpture, or piece of pottery, before the artist has anything tangible to display, he first and foremost has a dream. In the artist’s mind he already sees what he will create before it exists in the physical world. Michelangelo saw something in that block of stone long before anyone else did. Other artists saw impossible defects and imperfections, but Michelangelo saw a masterpiece trapped in that rejected rock, and he worked diligently to set it free.
Our God is the master artist! Consider the unfathomable wonder of creation, which even in its fallen condition gives us a fleeting glimpse into the genius of its Creator who, in His eternal mind, saw every detail down to the smallest particle while there was still nothing. Just think about this: the architect of the universe spoke the worlds into existence, but He crafted Adam with His own hands and breathed into him with His own mouth! God has crowned His creation with a masterpiece, which is distinguished because it is “handmade” by the great Creator! And God continues to fashion mankind with His own hands. Psalm 139:13 says, “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb” (nas).
The Master of the universe, the eternal, immortal, invisible, all-wise God, made you with His own hands! But before He began to weave you together in your mother’s womb, He saw you in His eternal mind, down to the smallest detail. And before you were ever born, He had a dream for your life. Perhaps as He was weaving you together in your mother’s womb, He said, “I’m going to make this boy into a mighty man of fearless courage!” Or, “I’m going to make this little girl into a mighty prophetess to her generation!” Whatever His dream for your life might be, one thing is for sure: His will for your life is beyond what you could ask or think!
By Daniel Kolenda

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Confirmation of Prophecy for 2013 is what happening in Jakart.

These is what was said by the Holy Spirit through Innocent Morris about the prophecy of 2013 through this blog.As the year 2012 ends.That many disaster will occur this and Also we said to pray for the Climate.See from CNN website.

People wade through floodwaters in Central Jakarta district on January 18, 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Jakarta, Indonesia (CNN) -- Heavy flooding in the Indonesian capital this week has killed 15 people, driven thousands from their homes and paralyzed the sprawling city -- and officials are warning that more water is on its way.
Caused by unusually strong monsoon rains, the flood waters -- often carrying trash and human waste -- have inundated the city's central business district, closed schools and offices, and entered the presidential palace.
With around 95,000 people affected in different areas of the city, authorities have declared a state of emergency to allow use of national funds and other resources. About 19,000 people have relocated from the worst affected districts to safer areas.
January is typically the wettest month in Jakarta, the political and economic capital of southeast Asia's largest country.
But the low-lying city has already experienced more rainfall since Tuesday than it usually gets in the entire month of January.
Amid about a foot of water, workers scrambled Friday to clean up the mess near where a dike had burst a day earlier, flooding the central business district.
Soldiers heaped sandbags on a railroad line to form a makeshift defense close to the dike.
The situation in the central district appeared to be improving, but some of the worst-hit areas of the city remained under water, with more flooding expected to arrive over the course of the day.
A lot of the water falling in the vicinity of Jakarta, which has a population of around 10 million people, must go through the city's rivers and canals before reaching the Java Sea.
Thousands of people have fled their homes in neighborhoods along the banks of the Ciliwung River, the cause of some of the worst flooding and considered by many to be one of the dirtiest waterways in Indonesia.
In Kampung Melayu, an eastern neighborhood near the Ciliwung, many people remained at home Thursday, sitting on top of roofs or wading inside to try to salvage belongings and secure the premises.
Large amounts of water were expected to flow down the Ciliwung on Friday, generated by rains over the hilly area around the city of Bogor, which lies south of Jakarta.
The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Board has warned of more heavy rainfall in the next few days, the city government said.
Fresh flooding was likely to bring the risk of more casualties.
The National Disaster Mitigation Agency said nearly half of the 12 killed in the floods since Tuesday were electrocuted.
 This is what was the Holy Spirit Said.
Also Prophet Tb Joshua tlk about it See in Youtube

Beware of Evil Attacks From Facebook

Please brethen be aware with different evil spirits which uses internet to enter to people so becareful.They use facebook,twitter,pornography sites and demonic sites so friends of God be aware of it.This days are the last days we must be careful and find God through prayer.Totally we need God.See this testimony from SCOAN of this man.
One day, Mr Fabio Adjavon received a strange friend request while he was on Facebook. Normally, he did not accept Friend Requests but when he saw the person’s location, he thought they were a member of his church. After clicking the photo ID of the person, photos of demons and the devil appeared. As he browsed the profile’s pictures, he felt something enter him and he started feeling sick. He refused to accept the request and logged off the internet but the strange sensation continued.
fabioSuddenly, he started to see dead family members in his dreams, telling him they had come for him and that he would not live to see the year 2013. He received a phone call from an unknown number one night telling him that they were assigned to kill him because they did not want him to follow the calling of God. He was later arrested and put in prison after officials told him his passport was fake. In prison, he heard voices telling him to escape from the prison and commit suicide.
He called a friend to bail him out of prison and made his way directly to The SCOAN. He had seen one of the Wise Men delivering him in a dream a few months before and when he arrived at The SCOAN, that was exactly what happened. He was completely delivered, his life was restored and his way opened. He stated that he realised his encounter on Facebook was more than ordinary when, after his deliverance, he logged into his account and could no longer find the Friend Request that had started the whole demonic connection. He advised the youth to be careful and prayerful with their use of the internet and to choose their friends with care because they may become what they are.
ponographyMr Johan had accompanied his mother, Mrs Sheppard, from South Africa to The SCOAN for deliverance. He said that from a young age, he had access to pornography and that this developed a spirit of lust in him. This evil spirit had since afflicted his education, work and marriage. This spirit affected his career, marriage, and other areas of his life. Yesterday, during The SCOAN Saturday Live Service, Jesus Christ used the wise men to deliver him from the contrary spirit, the spirit of lust which had entered him through watching pornography on the internet and other media. After his deliverance, he testified that his thoughts are clear and that he feels freedom and joy and that the urge to look at pornography is no longer a part of him! He advised the millions of internet users and youth in particular to realise that when they are on the internet, they are in a danger zone. He advised them to safeguard their hearts and minds by using the internet only for a defined purpose and after that purpose, they should log off.
Spirit of lust Twenty-two year old Mr. Tristan Donald from Cape Town, South Africa had a problem that many around the world suffer from. He had the spirit of lust and anger for 8 years which entered him while watching pornographic films. This spirit of lust affected his studies and his relationships with women. From a young age, he had many girlfriends whom he also beat up due to the spirit of anger. He also masturbated and watched pornography on his computer and cell phone through the internet. At night, he would see the same women he watched in the pornographic movies in his dreams. He came to know about The SCOAN through Emmanuel TV and decided to fly from South Africa to Nigeria. At the Saturday Live Service, Jesus Christ used Wise Man Christopher to deliver him from the spirits of lust and anger. He said that during the deliverance, he saw two evil spirits leaving his body and the urge to masturbate left him. He says he can now think more easily about God’s Word. His desire to watch pornography is no longer there. He advised parents to pray for their children, be careful of the type of phones they give them and be with them when they are using the internet. He also advised people to know God’s Word, find a living church where they can receive deliverance from the bondage of satan and give their purpose to God because the joy of Christ in us cannot be destroyed.


Free from SuicideMrs Sheppard, from South Africa, had been experiencing strange voices filling her mind with negative thoughts. Tired of life and this bondage, she realized that there was something in her that wanted to destroy God’s purpose in her life. Yesterday, she came to The SCOAN Saturday Service and Jesus Christ delivered her from a contrary spirit through the prayer of the wise men. After her deliverance, she testified that her sleep was peaceful and she is no longer hearing the strange voices telling her to leave this world. On the contrary, she said her ears had opened to hear the voice of God, His Word and His Spirit. Her advice to viewers is to stay in the Word of God and trust Him because He is the solution to all fundamental issues of life.


One day, Mr Fabio Adjavon received a strange friend request while he was on Facebook. Normally, he did not accept Friend Requests but when he saw the person’s location, he thought they were a member of his church. After clicking the photo ID of the person, photos of demons and the devil appeared. As he browsed the profile’s pictures, he felt something enter him and he started feeling sick. He refused to accept the request and logged off the internet but the strange sensation continued.
fabioSuddenly, he started to see dead family members in his dreams, telling him they had come for him and that he would not live to see the year 2013. He received a phone call from an unknown number one night telling him that they were assigned to kill him because they did not want him to follow the calling of God. He was later arrested and put in prison after officials told him his passport was fake. In prison, he heard voices telling him to escape from the prison and commit suicide.
He called a friend to bail him out of prison and made his way directly to The SCOAN. He had seen one of the Wise Men delivering him in a dream a few months before and when he arrived at The SCOAN, that was exactly what happened. He was completely delivered, his life was restored and his way opened. He stated that he realised his encounter on Facebook was more than ordinary when, after his deliverance, he logged into his account and could no longer find the Friend Request that had started the whole demonic connection. He advised the youth to be careful and prayerful with their use of the internet and to choose their friends with care because they may become what they are.


Prophet T. B. Joshua

Sin’s power over our lives must be broken in Jesus’ name. This was the focus of the Saturday and Sunday services at The SCOAN where tens of thousands of people from far and near had flocked in search of a touch from our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Prophet T.B. Joshua stated in his message that satan is the obstacle between us and the Father. Therefore, we need to defeat satan to remove him from our view so we can see the Father. How can we remove him from our view? When satan wants you to cry and you laugh, you defeat him and when sin’s power over you is broken, then you can begin to live by grace, not by law.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Biography of Archibishop Benson Idahosa

Today marks the 14th year since Idahosa’s death on the 12th of March 1998. Benson Idahosa has been described by many as the Father of Nigerian Pentecostalism. Idahosa is also truly one of the pioneers of Neo Pentecostalism in Africa. Who then is Idahosa?
Benson Andrew Idahosa was born in Benin (now Edo state) as an unhealthy child into a poor family. His health was so bad that his father instructed the Mother to throw him away. The mother did throw him away, but after a while she took him back. This caused a temporary separation between his parents. Later Idahosa struggled to be educated up to secondary school this was due to lack of finance. He was so poor that he could not afford a pair of shoes until he was eighteen years old.
In 1952, through a dramatic incident Idahosa became a Christian in an Assemblies of God Church in Benin. After his conversion he read the whole of John’s Gospel and decided he had to witness to his friends. This was the beginning of Idahosa’s preaching the Gospel. Idahosa later sought after the experience of Baptism in the Spirit and he asked the Pastor at the Assembly of God to pray for him. He was filled with the Spirit and spoke in tongues. After this experience Idahosa began to preach in the different villages organizing open air meetings. He did this in the evening while he worked for a shoe company during the day. He was also an active and committed member of the Assembly of God Church where he was converted.
The open air meetings witnessed people being healed of epilepsy and many other sicknesses. Other miracles were also happening in these meetings. The news about the open air meetings started to spread to other villages and this led to more evangelistic activities. In order to reach more people with the Gospel he bought a motorcycle to help him travel to distant villages to conduct Gospel meetings.
In June 1967 Idahosa lost his father during the Civil War riots. A year later, during one night, his room was filled with God’s presence and he was awoken from sleep by a voice. It was the Lord speaking to him about his future mission; “I have called you that you might take the gospel around the world in my name, preach the gospel, and I will confirm my word with signs following. After this experience he began to do more evangelistic meetings and outreaches. He would ask the Chiefs who head the villages for permission to conduct an evangelistic meeting in their village. They responded and more people were saved through his ministry. He directed the converts to existing Pentecostal Churches such as the Assemblies of God. Due to his evangelistic activities Idahosa soon became a leader under Pastor Okpo (the pastor at the Assemblies of God Church where he became a Christian) who gave him directions in ministry. However this did not last long as Idahosa decided to follow his own vision and establish a Church. To this end Idahosa started a Bible study group in front of a store and within few years they outgrew the place bought a piece of land to build a bigger Church facility. In order to build this Church members of Idahosa’s Church contributed a lot of money, time and labour.
Later Idahosa met one of the Apostolic Church missionaries, S.G. Elton and they became good friends. Elton became Idahosa’s mentor and it was him that introduced Idahosa to Gordon and Freda Lindsey (one of the healing evangelist of the Latter Rain Movement). Both Elton and Lindsey ordained Idahosa into ministry in 1971.
Idahosa was granted scholarship to study at Gordon Lindsey’s Bible College, Christ for the Nations Institute in Texas United States. Gordon Lindsey also helped Idahosa financially to build his Church. While Idahosa was studying for a Diploma in Divinity, he read T.L.Osbourne’s book on evangelism and he became very concerned about evangelizing Benin his home town. He later asked permission from Gordon Lindsey to go back to Nigeria. Permission was granted and he went back in 1972 not completing his Diploma in Divinity.
Idahosa, the elders of his Church and Elton began to organize Gospel meetings in stadiums. The first was the one at Ogbe stadium in Benin which attracted 10,000 people. They publicise the meeting on radio stations, print posters and leaflets. This was a pioneering effort by Idahosa as it was American evangelists who usually do this sort of thing. This type of gospel meetings (usually known as Gospel Crusades in Nigeria) became a defining feature of Idahosa’s ministry and would later attract hundreds of thousands of people. As Idahosa and his team did these Gospel Campaigns all over the country, converts were won and this eventually led to many Church plants. This Church planting concept was pioneering then as it was new to Nigerian Charismatics who were not sure whether to start founding Churches.
Through his personal experience of poverty, the effects of the Civil War riots on Nigeria, the global recession that deflated Nigerian economy  and the influence of American evangelists, Idahosa started to articulate Prosperity Gospel making him a pioneer in Nigeria and other African countries. In 1973 Idahosa claimed he received this message from God.
The world and its people are complaining daily of poverty and want. I have given you the mouth of miracles and blessings to my people. I have asked the cashiers of heaven to be on duty as long as you have a need for my own honour and glory. I shall supply all your needs according to my riches in glory (Philippians 4:19).
Begin to bless your people with all blessing; ask them to ask me anything they need, and I shall provide it for them. If only they will honour me with their wealth, I shall make them to be prosperous in all areas of their lives. I shall bless your partners and co-workers.
Wake up, go to the Church in the morning, and tell them poverty died last night. What you bless on earth is blessed in heaven. Bless my people, says the Lord, who came to give the good life of abundance.
Since then Idahosa has been preaching Prosperity with his life style and story. He dressed flamboyantly, used the best cars and pursued big projects with big budgets. It would however be wrong to conclude that he only used the money for his benefits, because he helped people financially, gave scholarships to the poor, fed people, gave cars and spoke on behalf of the voiceless to the Nigerian government on several occcasions. One of his sayings was, “it is better to live for posterity than for prosperity” This was why he built primary school, secondary school, a University and a hospital. In 1981, he was ordained as the first Pentecostal Bishop in Nigeria by David Du plesis (known as Mr. Pentecost) and two other Bishops. Idahosa also pioneered a television ministry, ‘Redemption Hour’ which made him to become the first TV evangelist in Africa. His Bible College has trained the likes of Bishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams of Christ Action Faith Ministries, Bishop Charles Agyin-Asare of Word Miracle Church International, Bishop James Saah, Bishop Christianah Doe Tetteh of Solid Rock Chapel International and many others. Many of today’s Nigerian Pentecostal ministers can trace their roots directly or indirectly back to Idahosa. Men such as Bishop David Oyedepo of Winners Chapel, Bishop Francis Wale Oke of Sword of the Spirit Ministries, Bishop Mike Okonkwo (former president of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria), Ayo Oritsejafor, current president of PFN and many more. Before his death in 1998, Idahosa had visited and preached in 125 countries including Britain, Sweden, Switzerland, Mexico, USA, Ghana, Cameroun, South African, Australia and Kenya. He will be remembered as an African apostle to the nations.