Friday, December 14, 2012

Petitioning prayer for MARRIAGES

Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Your living Son, I come before Your throne to petition for our marriage. Thank you that, according to Your Word in Ps.20:4 and 1John 5:5, You will grant me my petitions. Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ I confirm my covenant with You. I also confirm the covenant between my marriage partner and me. I confess that our marriage covenant was sealed by the Blood of the Lamb and that He alone is worthy to ever break the seals.

I come before Your throne to petition against any curses of divorce or adultery. I pray that You would break these curses and change them into blessings. I cut our marriage loose from the spirit of death that wants to bring death and destruction to our marriage. I petition against the spirit of Jezebel. I forbid her to have any authority over our marriage. In the Name of Jesus I petition before Your throne that the Blood of Jesus would wipe our names from the book of the whore of Babylon. I confess that our names are written in the Book of Life in the New Jerusalem. In the presence of Your throne I declare a divorce from the cup of Jezebel. If we or any of our forefathers have drunk from her cup, I ask You now to cleanse us - spirit, soul and body - from any poison coming from this cup. I ask that the Fire of the Holy Spirit would come to destroy the influence of this cup over our lives. I petition against any marriage contracts with any human spirits, dead human spirits, demons and any spiritual husbands or wives. I sever the soul ties and declare a divorce in the spirit. I ask the Fire of the Holy Spirit to destroy any physical or spiritual rings. I declare Hos.2:5-6 over any third person who might be sent against our marriage.

I petition against the Ancient Serpent, bewitchment, spirits of deception and seduction. I cancel any orders given to them with regard to our marriage and declare them null and void in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I petition against any rituals against our marriage. In the Name of Jesus I break the power of the rituals and the seals placed upon them. Thank you, Father, that You now reverse all those rituals in the spirit. I petition against any form of sexual magic. I petition against any defilement of seed. I pray that all seed testifying against us in the physical or in the spiritual, would be destroyed by the Fire of the Holy Spirit. I petition against the god of this world, the spirit of this world and the mind of this world. I cancel any authority given to this spirit over our marriage and declare that the purposes, will and plan of the Almighty God, the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, will be fulfilled in our marriage.

I petition against any plans of Abaddon and Baal over our marriage. I break any traps or snares set against us in the physical or in the spiritual and render them powerless in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I petition against any programming against our marriage in the sun, moon, stars and planets. I ask You to destroy those programmes with the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I now petition before Your throne that any of Satan's petitions against our marriage would now be thrown out of the heavenly courtroom. I ask this on account of the price that Jesus paid on the cross. I petition against any hex, spell, curse, chanting, incantation and white, black, red and green magic being used against our marriage.

I petition that Your voice would now thunder in the heavenlies with regard to our marriage; that Your light and truth would prevail over our marriage. I pray that Your voice would now declare in the heavenlies that none of Satan's petitions against our marriage would be granted.

Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I now declare our marriage to be sealed by the Blood of Jesus. Thank you that You have spoken Your blessing over our marriage. Father, in the Name of Jesus I pray that there would be love, unity and peace in our marriage. Thank you, Father, that Your Holy Spirit watches over our marriage.

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