Thursday, November 8, 2012


Repentance is not about repeating the same
habits over and over again. If you repent of your sin
today, it should not be repeated again the next day
because once you repent you change. If there was no
change, it was not repentance; you were more than
likely just feeling sorry for your actions.
Accept your salvation at any cost. Don’t wait.
Never meet death nor the grave without having Jesus
on your side. God wants to make it a simple thing
for you to accept Him and receive. If you don’t want
to be saved then let all that must be done to you be
done so you will finally say yes to God. There are
many who ask if God is love then why does He send
people to hell. Let’s be clear about this issue. God
loves people and He is not sending anyone to hell.
“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not so short that it cannot
save; nor is His ear so dull that it cannot hear. But
your iniquities have made a separation between you
and your God, and your sins have hidden His face
from you so that He does not hear” (Isaiah 59:1).
The sin that people choose to harbor in their lives
is that which sends them to hell. In the case where a
prodigal child chooses to disobey his parents and get
in the wrong company, and start taking drugs while
he was warned, and his parents did all they could
to prevent this but the child disobeyed and chose to
rebel, who is to blame? If parents cannot be blamed
for that situation, why would we blame God when
His children rebel? People, we need to repent and be
saved today because tomorrow might not come.
I am sure you don’t want to go through the horror
I went through to be saved. You can be saved right now.
You might say that you are not a great sinner
because you don’t do this or you don’t do that. It does
not matter whether you are a great sinner or a small
one; both sinners will end up in hell if they don’t
repent. Not even one unrighteous act or thought will
be allowed to enter into heaven. How many unrighteous
acts have you committed or how many impure
thoughts have you had? Who can be saved since it
seems impossible to be completely perfect? Who can
live a sinless life by his own strength? Who is the one
who will dare to stand before God in his own righteousness
and say “Receive me to heaven because
I deserve it”? Who is the one who is not going to
need Jesus by his side as the day comes when we will
stand before the great white throne of judgment of
God, the Righteous Judge? None – not even one. All
will need Jesus! Those who confess Him before men,
He will confess them before the Father. Those who
deny Him, He will deny them. Judgment is coming.
On that day, there won’t be any soul missing. From
the children murdered through abortion or those who
died in other ways still in their mother’s womb to
the oldest person who has ever lived, none will be
missing. All the dead, whether great or small, will be
brought before the judgment throne of God. There
won’t be anywhere to hide for on that day the earth
and the sea will give up the dead in them; death and
Hades also will give up their dead to be judged.
Who will pass the judgment of God in his own
righteousness? Who will? I am sure God’s love is
so great that He would desire to save all people but
He cannot violate His nature as a Righteous Judge.
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His
throne. How does someone make it to heaven then?
Your ticket to heaven is Jesus Christ. Heaven is a
place you enter because of what Jesus has done for
you, not because of what you have accomplished.
Only Jesus was found blameless. By receiving Him,
He gives you the right to become a child of God and
He clothes you with His own righteousness.
The character or soul of man will never die, not
even after this life! The life one will live after death is
a continuation of the life started here on earth. Those
who have Christ in them are saved and they will go
from glory to glory, from beauty to beauty, but those
who do not have Jesus Christ are lost. These lost souls
will go from worse to worse and there is no chance
for them to improve their character for righteousness
after death because they have rejected Jesus Christ.
The character of a man must be changed while he is
still on this earth. This is only possible when they
receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I am
glad that God would make it easy for us to have the
mind of Christ and His character and not our own.

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