Friday, November 2, 2012

A Special Word from Pastor Benny on Family Restoration

A Special Word from Pastor Benny on Family Restoration

My precious partner,

Many of you have asked if the date has been set for the renewal of marriage vows between Suzanne and me.
First of all, I want to thank you for your love and prayers for us. God has truly done an amazing, restorative work in our hearts. In fact, Sue and I have never been closer, and we are falling more and more in love each day. What a thrill it is to rekindle the love we felt when we first began our life together 33 years ago!
One of the things Sue and I have determined to do is to wait on the Lord as He completes the work in our lives and marriage. And as much as we would like to rush the process, those who are giving spiritual guidance and oversight have encouraged us to walk, not run, and to wait on the Lord as He completes His plan for our future.
So we are enjoying our courtship, communicating more openly than ever before, and standing in amazement as our precious Lord Jesus heals the pains of the past. He has literally created a new heart of love in us both.
We have learned much through the mistakes of the past and never want to repeat any of the things that led to the breakdown of our marriage. So as we walk through this process of restoration and completion, we can't thank you enough for being there with us every step of the way. I look forward, in the very near future, to giving you the joyous news of the date, place, and time when we will stand before the Lord at the sacred marriage altar.
And to Jesus be the praise for the things He has done!
All our love,
Pastor Benny and Suzanne

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