Friday, November 30, 2012


by TB Joshua Fans UK Blog

It is an awful feeling to have us react to this absurd expression by the critics of SCOAN as a Ministry and Prophet T B Joshua as an individual. It really amazes us to find people just vehemently, and relentlessly finding ways to discredit the good works of God through this ministry.
Now it is the issue of Deliverance – what will be next?
Ironically, it begs for reason why it is so oblivious to these people who camp themselves in the colony of ‘self righteousness’, and religious bigotry, nothing is just pleasing for them, just as it was with the Pharisees and Sadducees of old, so it is today with T B Joshua Critics.
The most ridiculous comparison or allusion of the modern ages, making comparison between TV shows and Deliverance taking place at SCOAN, how ridiculous! These are people who see themselves as Christians, or who had been recipient of the Grace before now, but just like the prodigal son, squandered what was their portion of the Kingdom of Light, and reversed with full throttle, back into the devils’ kingdom.
Let us put things into context, the TV shows hosted by Jeremy Kyle and are to express and probably settle family rivalries, issues, relationships, having no spiritual inclinations at all. Deliverance is the separation of the torturous spiritual beings without bodies, killing, stealing and destroying people’s lives, career, relationships and families.  One amazing point here is that the people being delivered and confessions through them of the evil deeds by the spirits inhabiting them, are unaware of what is being said through them, and that is why after the spirit is cast out in the Name of Jesus Christ, they deny any knowledge of what has been said. On the other hand, people who are on the TV shows know what they are saying, they are not under any ‘influence’. What a blatant ignorance!
Make sure you watch the video below!
Jeremy Kyle of BritainThe name of Jesus was NOT mentioned in this video Jerry Springer of AmericaThe name of Jesus was NOT mentioned in this video

 Is it Biblical to carry out Deliverance?  Have these people read the Holy Bible at all, or they just interpret the Word to suit themselves and their motives?  We shall, encourage them to pray hard before reading the Bible, for the Holy Spirit to open their eyes and heart in order to understand.
What is the issue here please? Other Ministries have Healing, Deliverance schools and meetings, why is anything done in SCOAN attracting these cynical comments? ‘What people do not understand, they call names, but what they understand, the destroy’
Please dear readers and followers of our blog should not be deceived by these bigoted, disillusioned, and frustrated antagonists of SCOAN at large, they themselves need deliverance for the spirit pushing them to carry out all these attacks, be cast out of them.  They know for sure what is on ground, but they should drop all pride and own up to their frustration, and embrace the good works of God, but alas!, children of perdition will never listen.
Sometimes, we want to desist from responding to their issues, but we owe you good people the need to state the truth at all times, so that these people will not end up dragging you down with them, from the ‘Straight and Narrow’ road to eternal life.
But a note of warning to the bigots…….Leave these men alone, if their mission is of themselves, they will not last, but if they are of God, you will find yourselves fighting God Himself’ Acts 5:38

Friday, November 16, 2012

Release the Anointing for Prosperity! by Benny Hinn

You have the legal, heavenly right to prosper as a Christian. God wants to bless your life and make you a blessing in these last days so that the Gospel of His Son Jesus might be preached to the nations.
Seven Manifestations of the AnointingScripture shows us the manifestations of the anointing for: 
  1. Preaching
  2. Teaching
  3. Healing
  4. Deliverance from bondage
  5. Prophecy
  6. Worship
  7. Prosperity
God’s Supernatural FavorIt was because of this anointing for prosperity that God blessed the nation of Israel on their way out of Egypt, for He declared through Moses to the people that He would give them favor in the sight of the Egyptians as they borrowed silver, gold, and raiment for their journeys:
The children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: And the Lord gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians. (Exodus 12:35-36)
Can you imagine, three million Israelites knocking on countless Egyptian doors asking for gold, silver raiment, and provisions for journeys, and an entire nation granting their request at midnight? The wealth of Egypt was literally poured out upon the Israelites—and all their needs were met—because of the incredible power of the prosperity anointing.
Only the favor of God could do that...and that is the anointing for prosperity!
It was the same anointing that we see and read about when Peter preached to the church to go sell their land and properties and bring the money to the church (Acts 2:44-46). What would move thousands of people to obey him? Only the anointing!
It was that anointing in the Old Testament also that rested on the life of Abraham, who had favor in the sight of Pharaoh (Genesis 12). It was that anointing on the life of Isaac that gave him the wealth of Abimelech (Genesis 26). It was that same anointing on Joseph that promoted him everywhere he went. And it was that anointing on the life of Solomon that caused the world to honor him with gold, silver, and jewels beyond description!
It is that same anointing that Moses talked about: “All these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field” (Deuteronomy 28:2-3). And it was also that prosperity anointing mentioned in verse 12: “The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand.”
Only this anointing can accomplish these things for either a nation or a person!
It was also the prosperity anointing that our Lord Jesus spoke of when He said, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again” (Luke 6:38).
Notice the reference to “men giving into your bosom.” In Scripture, the reference to the bosom is a reference to a “place of comfort,” so that literally means that men (the people and circumstances that surround you) will give and add blessings to your life that pertain to the peace and comfort of your own life and that of your family.
So why would a man give you anything unless God had placed an anointing on your life?
It is the power of that blessed anointing!
The Anointing for Prosperity, Your Covenant RightI believe this prosperity anointing belongs to you as a child of God! It is your covenant right to have it every day. But it is giving that releases the treasures of heaven on your life and triggers the anointing for prosperity.
A spiritual miracle demands a spiritual act, while a physical miracle demands a physical act, and a financial miracle demands a financial act.
When someone is saved they must confess Christ publicly. When someone is healed, they must step out in faith. And you cannot prosper financially unless you act in faith as you give to God’s work. That is how the anointing for prosperity is released.
That is the order of Scripture. It is impossible to prosper without an act of faith, and it is impossible without an act of faith occurring and reoccurring continually in our life.
Miracles happen when we give God something to work with. And when we sow seed into His kingdom, we release our faith so God can use what we give for His glory and our prosperity!
Take a step of faith and sow a seed for the work of the Lord.
I truly feel that this is an important, life-changing time for the prosperity anointing, and I want to do whatever I can to encourage you to understand and claim the promises that are available to you as a covenant believer.
Be courageous today. Be bold. Step into your covenant position and your prosperity anointing. Secure your financial tomorrow with a step of faith so the prosperity anointing will be released upon you.
Act today! As a step of faith, send us your most generous seed-gift. I look forward to hearing from you and anointing your name and seed-gift as I ask the Lord to release the anointing on your life today.
Love you always and thank you for being my precious partner!

Benny Hinn

Benny Hinn Television Station Listings

Network Day Eastern Central Mountain Pacific
God TV M-F 8:30 am 7:30 am 6:30 am 5:30 am
TBN M-F 10:30 am 9:30 am 8:30 am 7:30 am
TCT (DirectTV) M-F 10:30 am 9:30 am 8:30 am 7:30 am
TCT (DirectTV) M-F 9:00 pm 8:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm
The Church Channel (TCC) M-F 2:30 pm 1:30 pm 12:30 pm 11:30 am
The Church Channel (TCC) M-W, F 10:30 pm 9:30 pm 8:30 pm 7:30 pm
The Word Network M-F 6:30 pm 5:30 pm 4:30 pm 3:30 pm

What is the Secret to God’s Power? by Benny Hinn

Pastor BennyWhen my ministry work began, it seemed so easy.
Back then I thought, “Oh, surely I’m going to finish strong.” But you only finish strong if the power of God stays in your life. It was certainly true then.
It seems even more crucial to understand that principle today, for only God’s power works! Dependence upon Him is everything!
Our Source of Power
We are told in Scripture that the source of power in the life of Jesus and His ministry was the Holy Spirit: “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him” (Acts 10:38).
Even after His resurrection, the Lord still depended upon the Holy Spirit: “Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen” (Acts 1:2).
If Jesus needed the Holy Spirit after His resurrection, how much more do we need Him before our own resurrection?
The Lord is our pattern for total dependence upon the Holy Spirit, and the Lord promised that we would receive the same Holy Spirit that had empowered Him:
In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) —John 7:37-39
He is our limitless Resource!
Consider John 7:38: “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” “Out of his belly” refers to your innermost being. The Holy Spirit is your limitless resource, an everlasting fountain. All you will ever need will be completely fulfilled and satisfied by the Holy Spirit—every longing and every desire in your life.
According to John 14:15-18, the Holy Spirit is our Parakletos—our Counselor, Comforter, and Helper! And He is with us forever. Without the Holy Spirit we would be as orphans with no one to care for us. But with Him, we have full provision!
And since that day when the Holy Spirit came, as promised by our Lord Jesus, He has been and still is the personal, resident representative of the Godhead on earth. Without Him, we are powerless.
Jesus was anointed by and dependent upon the Holy Spirit. God the Father was with Him by the Spirit. This is crucial for us to understand. The Apostle Paul preached that message, and the known world was revolutionized.
Even during my lifetime, I have seen with my own eyes how Kathryn Kuhlman preached the message of utter dependency upon the Holy Spirit, which is why God used her so dramatically.
David Wilkerson preached that same message, and that is why God shook New York City to its core.
Ralph Wilkerson preached that message, and God used him to reach Southern California.
I could go on and on.
That is why I want to tell every believer—if you get away from depending on the Holy Spirit, you will die. Without His power, you cannot do it. You will not do it. You will fail and fall back into bondage, just like you were before you were saved. We know this because the Word of God tells us that where the Holy Spirit is (not was), “there is liberty” (2 Corinthians 3:17).
It doesn’t matter what you have done in the past, nor what formulas you try today; without the Holy Spirit, you will fail. Only the Holy Spirit sets people free! Only the Holy Spirit can fill you with God’s power. That is why God the Spirit is here on the earth.
What Really Happened at Pentecost?
Freedom and power are why the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost. Just before the Lord’s ascension, Jesus promised: “For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence” (Acts 1:5). That baptism took place on the Day of Pentecost:
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. —Acts 2:1-4
Pentecost was the manifestation and fulfillment of the promise made by our Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit descended from heaven in person in the form of a mighty wind, filled each one of the 120 individuals, and gave them His power!
The Apostle Peter declared that because Jesus was exalted and glorified, Pentecost took place: “This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear” (Acts 2:32-33).
The Secret of God’s Power Today
Because of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit brings freedom and power today.
The secret to the power of God is the person of the Holy Spirit!
The Holy Spirit is the One who gives you:
  1. The power to live a life that pleases God: “That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:10).
  2. The power to know the truth: “And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged” (John 16:8-11).
  3. The power to be free from sin’s dominion: “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2).
  4. The power to be strengthened in the inner man: “That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man” (Ephesians 3:16).
Paul also tells us that when we are led by the Holy Spirit, we will pray correctly: “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Romans 8:26). When you are led by the Holy Spirit, your prayer life will be powerful, not chaotic.
With the Holy Spirit, we have full provision. Without Him, we have no guidance or protection. We certainly cannot fight sin effectively without Him.
Today, we can compare our situation with what happened after Pentecost. What are we lacking today? They went from being powerless, oppressed, and lacking to being filled with God’s power, strength, guidance, and direction!
And today, as in the first century, the Christian life must depend upon the Holy Spirit. Only with Him in charge can you succeed.
My Prayer for You
It is your time for fullness and abundance!
I believe that the remainder of 2012 can be your best time ever, and that means in every area of your life, including your finances.
It is important to be led by God in your finances, knowing that the size of your harvest depends directly upon the size of your seed: “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6).
As you seek to depend upon God’s power in every area of your life, why not launch out into the deep, prayerfully seek His guidance, take a step of faith with your finances, and then expect a supernatural harvest of abundance in your life and business?
Nothing touches God’s heart like your giving toward the Gospel. Remember this promise from God’s blessed Word: “Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine” (Proverbs 3:9-10).
Sow your most generous financial seed so multitudes can hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As you do, remember our Father’s glorious promise to give you seed and multiply that seed as you sow it.
I am eager to hear from you very soon, and I pray that your gift will bring lost souls to the cross. At the same time, I pray that your seed-gift will be multiplied into a vast harvest of financial blessings in your own life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
This is your year for answered prayer! As you finish the year strong, seek to be led by Him in every area of your life, including your finances.
For we know it is “not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6)…
Preaching the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ,
teaching the unchanging Word of God, and
expecting the mighty and miraculous
power of the Holy Spirit,

Benny Hinn

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Reinhard Bonnke in Ethiopia Day 5

Another Gospel Campaign has just come to an end here in Ethiopia. Have a look at the pictures of the awesome crowd! You are looking at a miracle! This event almost didn’t happen. All the odds were against us. But Jesus made a way where there seemed to be no way and now we have experienced a mighty victory. Thousands have met Jesus and the city has been impacted for eternity! Praise the Lord!
In tonight’s Grand Finale meeting Evangelist Bonnke preached the Gospel and I prayed for the sick. One of our guests told me that he has never been in a meeting like that in his entire life. It was surely an epic evening. Several women testified that goiters instantly vanished. Crippled legs were healed and one woman’s short leg grew out! I’m sure every church in Addis Ababa will be filled with testimonies for months to come.
We have been blessed to have a large number of guests along on this trip – partners like you from around the world. We have enjoyed every morning at 6:30 listening to Evangelist Bonnke share the scriptures with us in our morning devotions. Thank you again for your prayers and support. We really depend on you and thank God for you. Let's continue to "plunder hell and populate Heaven for Calvary's sake."
You can read all of my daily reports and view every, single, awesome photo from our time in Addis Ababa here.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke and the whole CfaN team

Holy Chaos-Addis Ababa,Ethiopia Day 3 with Reinhard Bonnke

What a joy it is to preach the Gospel to humble, hungry hearts. One cannot help but feel the love of Jesus when looking into the eyes of these precious people. The multitude was hanging on every word tonight and responding wholeheartedly and Heaven responded in kind.
After I preached the Gospel we burned two barrels of witchcraft juju. I prayed for those suffering under demonic curses and Jesus broke the chains. Demoniacs were shrieking and the crowd was dancing and rejoicing… it was a wonderful, holy chaos!
Then Evangelist Bonnke began to pray for the sick and all over the huge field miracles began to break out. For instance, a woman’s goiter disappeared from her throat. Another woman’s 12-year infection dried up. A lump disappeared from another woman’s breast after troubling her for 3 years… and many more.
Jesus is alive in Addis Ababa and we are so glad that he has sent us here for this mighty harvest.
Tomorrow is the climax of the Fire Conference and we are expecting an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will shake this land. Please continue to pray 
Yours in the Harvest,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke and the whole CfaN team

Ethiopia shall be saved.

Over 20 years ago, the Christ for all Nations team traveled to Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia for a Gospel Campaign. Anticipation was very high and everyone believed it would be a landmark event. But the permits were revoked and the campaign never took place. Since then, there has been a burning in Pastor Bonnke’s heart to return to this place to take care of “unfinished business.”
Tonight, after all these years, it is finally happening. Tonight was the first night of our “Gospel Festival” here in Addis Ababa.  The crowd on this opening night was over 75,000 and there was electricity in the air.  Pastor Bonnke preached a classic Gospel message about turning from darkness to light and after the prayer for salvation I prayed for the sick.  We saw wonderful miracles including a woman whose fibroid came out of her body right on the field!  A crippled man walked, tumors disappeared and much more!  Jesus is alive in Addis!
There are so many amazing stories to tell of the miracles that God has performed that have allowed us to be here right now.  The fact that we are here and that the Gospel festival is taking place is a miracle in itself.  Perhaps one day I can tell you more.

We covet your prayers this week as we break the bread of life for multitudes of hungry souls.  We will keep you updated each night as the events unfold.  The best is yet to come!
Yours in the Harvest,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke and the whole CfaN team

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


The mammoth crowd that attended the second Saturday and Sunday services of The SCOAN held on the 3rd and 4th of November 2012 reflected the dynamism of the ministry.
Prophet T.B. Joshua
Prophet T.B. Joshua announced the theme of his message – A LIFE FULL OF CHOICES and profoundly attested that “One of the greatest gifts God has given to us is the freedom to make a decision”. He said, “Those of us who have fallen, made a decision and those who have not fallen, faced similar temptation but made a different decision”. He said that we all fight similar battles, just camouflaged differently. The prophet said that the love of God is not religious conduct and behaviour but comes through the intercessory work of His Son, Jesus Christ.


Elder John Uzochukwu and family
During the Easter Festival, Elder Uzochukwu decided to travel to his home town with his immediate family, having prayed over the jeep with the Anointing Water and placed the Anointing Sticker on the window.
On his way, he had a near fatal accident which could have abruptly terminated their lives but they came out without a scar. Narrating his experience to the congregation, Elder Uzochukwu said, ‘’ Eight kilometres to Alede, a jeep overtook us and braked suddenly; that action made me crash into the car. When I reversed my car to move on, I had a head-on collision with another car coming towards me and my car entered the bush’’. He said that the man he collided with had injuries which signalled the seriousness of the accident.
He acknowledged the power of Jesus Christ through the Anointing Water and Anointing Sticker and gave thanks to God for salvaging him and his family from the accident. He advised the people of the world to put their trust in God because, “God is able to deliver and save in every condition’’.


Mr Yahaya Abdulkhadir
An indigene of Kogi, Nigeria, he narrated how he had a dream in August, 2011 where Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for him through the ministration of the Anointing Water and later decided to come to The SCOAN. He said that he had been jobless for 17 years, having lost his job as a bank manager. When he arrived at the church, he received the Anointing Water and applied it. As he was on his way home, he received a message from Abuja where he had submitted his CV. They congratulated him and told him that he had just been employed as a Senior Auditor in the Office of The Auditor-General of the Federation. The position empowers him to enter any ministry, department and agency in Nigeria to audit. He showed his appointment letter to the congregation and said that he was given a new official car on resumption of duty. He declared that such divine gesture has increased his faith in Christ. He advised people all over the world to hold on to their faith as it is what transforms our lives.


Mr Agbonko Egbe
He was jobless for six years after graduation. He tuned to Emmanuel TV and saw the Prophet preaching and was carried away by the inspired messages. He decided to visit The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water. He said that he had a dream where Prophet T.B. Joshua told him that he knew that he had no job but promised to assist him. A few days after the dream, he was offered a job in an oil and gas company. He said that there is high prospect in the job as the salary he receives is six times more than what he received when he was doing a part time job.
He advised the people to have faith in God, trust Him, and sin no more.


The 23 year old prostitute had been tormented by an evil spirit since she was in primary school. She said, ‘’In the demonic kingdom, I am always assigned to destroy men. In order to perfect my assignment, I was given seductive eyes”. She said that the evil spirit prevented her from getting married and gave her skin disease. She further explained that she came across Emmanuel TV in the hotel she was prostituting in and decided to come to The SCOAN for deliverance. After her deliverance, she said that she no longer has dreams and her urge to prostitute has completely stopped.
She advised men to always control themselves and desist from embarking in promiscuity. She said that everybody should seek the Kingdom of God and everything shall be added unto them.


During his deliverance, the evil spirit within Pastor Lukeman confessed that it had been in his family for 430 years, that it had been an agent of sadness and that it frustrated his marriage.
Pastor Uchechukwu Lukeman and wife
After his deliverance, he introduced himself as a deliverance pastor, though he had grandparents who worshipped idols. He was the first in his family who became a Christian in the past 430 years but his ministry suffered. He came across people who were delivered and healed at The SCOAN through the power of God and was inspired to attend, though he used to be a critic of the church. He was motivated by Prophet T.B. Joshua’s impressive teachings and thanked God for showing him the light.
In the following service, his wife was equally delivered. Mrs Franca Nnekwu manifested and the evil spirit spoke through her that it had destroyed her marriage. After being delivered, she also expressed gratitude to God.


Standing in the prayer line last week, an evil spirit within her said it had caused her not to have affection for her husband. It also said that each time she prayed and applied the Anointing Water, it felt fire burning it.
Mr & Mrs Udeh
After her deliverance, she told the congregation that she used to see snakes, masquerades and dead people in her dreams, as well as swim inside a river. She was also often fed with food in her dreams, had sex in her dreams, was always full of anger for her husband. She explained that after her deliverance, she had a dream where the spiritual husband appeared to her one more time. Suddenly Prophet T.B Joshua also appeared to her in her dream and upon seeing the prophet, the evil spirit ran away. Both husband and wife said that they now enjoy their marriage. They advised that people in similar situations should run to God. Prophet T.B Joshua then prophesied that he saw a beautiful baby girl coming into the family soon.


Malawian King, HRM Williard Mswati Gomani The 5th
A video was replayed showing Prophet T.B Joshua prophesying to the Malawian first class king to the effect that something precious, his crown had been lost but that he would soon find it. HRM Williard Mswati Gomani the 5th came back to the church together with a few of the Malawian cabinet members to express gratitude to God for recovering his missing crown. The crown went missing after his coronation ceremony. Present with the king, were the Queen mother (Mai Rosemary Gomani Malinki), Head of the king’s council (Moses Chouluka), Mr Pilira M. Phiri (brother-in-law to the king) and Mr Sam Mpasu (former speaker of the Malawian National Assembly).
Malawian King, HRM Williard Mswati Gomani The 5th
The missing crown created fear because the crown symbolised king’s life, supremacy and relevance. Without the crown, he was not considered a true king. The king’s council decided to visit The SCOAN where to their surprise, Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied that the missing crown would be found upon their return to Malawi. After the prophecy, they told the man of God that the crown had been missing for three months. The royal family returned to the palace and to their great surprise, found the crown lying in the lounge, where people passed daily! The king and his people thanked God for all He had done through the prophet.
Concluding the service, Prophet T.B. Joshua said that when discouragement comes, don’t stop; dig deep and fight it through. When fear hits, speed up the attack. For everything, there is a purpose as a Christian. There is no condemnation for anyone who believes in Jesus.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

How to Fast Safely

By Dr. Bill Bright

As you begin your fast, you may hear from concerned loved ones and friends who urge you to protect your health. And they are right. You should protect your health. But I assure you, if done properly, fasting will not only prove to be a spiritual blessing, but physical blessing as well.
By all means, consult your doctor before you begin your fast. But, be aware that many doctors have not been trained in this area and so their understanding is limited. Even so, it would be wise to ask your doctor for a physical exam to make sure you are in good health. You may have a physical problem that would make fasting unwise or dangerous. Also, if you are under any type of medication, make sure you talk to your doctor before changing your regime. Prudence and caution are in order.
When you are assured that you are in good health, you are ready to begin your fast. Follow the guidelines in the Physical Preparations and Maintaining Nutritional Balance and Health parts of this website.
In spite of the absolute safety and benefits of fasting, there are certain persons who should NEVER fast without professional supervision. For example:
  • Persons who are physically too thin or emaciated.
  • Persons who are prone to anorexia, bulimia, or other behavioral disorders.
  • Those who suffer weakness or anemia.
  • Persons who have tumors, bleeding ulcers, cancer, blood diseases, or who have heart disease.
  • Those who suffer chronic problems with kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, or other important organs.
  • Individuals who take insulin for diabetes, or suffer any other blood sugar problem such as hyperglycemia.
  • Women who are pregnant or nursing.

Your Personal Guide to Fasting and Prayer

By Dr. Bill Bright

Fasting is the most powerful spiritual discipline of all the Christian disciplines. Through fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit can transform your life.
Fasting and prayer can also work on a much grander scale. According to Scripture, personal experience and observation, I am convinced that when God's people fast with a proper Biblical motive-seeking God's face not His hand-with a broken, repentant, and contrite spirit, God will hear from heaven and heal our lives, our churches, our communities, our nation and world. Fasting and prayer can bring about revival - a change in the direction of our nation, the nations of earth and the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
The awesome power can be released through you as you fast through the enabling of the Holy Spirit.
Fasting is one of the most neglected spiritual admonitions. In fact, it has been ignored for so long that it is difficult to find information on the "how-to's" of this life-changing experience. When I first undertook an extended fast, I had a difficult time finding information on the nature of a Biblical fast, how to start, what to expect physically and spiritually, and how to terminate a fast.
These pages are designed to answer your practical questions about fasting and ease any concerns you might have. In this series, you will learn:
  • Why you should fast
  • How to fast safely
  • How long and what type of fast is right for you
  • How to prepare yourself spiritually and physically
  • How to manage your schedule while fasting
  • How to deal with the responses of friends and loved ones
  • How to make your spiritual experience the best it can be
  • How to maintain nutritional balance and health from beginning to end (including specific juice and broth recipes)
  • What physical benefits to expect
  • How to finish your fast and return to your normal schedule in a HEALTHY way
I want to be of help to you so I will be speaking to you from these pages at various points in the study. I have completed five 40-day fasts. I want to share with you what I have learned and what has helped me. Whether you hold a 1-day fast or an extended 40-day fast, I pray that our Lord's most wonderful love and blessings will be poured out on you as you take this exciting step of faith.

7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer

By Bill Bright

I believe the power of fasting as it relates to prayer is the spiritual atomic bomb that our Lord has given us to destroy the strongholds of evil and usher in a great revival and spiritual harvest around the world.
Increasingly I have been gripped with a growing sense of urgency to call upon God to send revival to our beloved country. In the spring and summer of 1994, I had a growing conviction that God wanted me to fast and pray for forty days for revival in America and for the fulfillment of the Great Commission in obedience to our Lord's command.
At first I questioned, "Is this truly God's call for me?" Forty days was a long time to go without solid food. But with each passing day, His call grew stronger and more clear. Finally, I was convinced. God was calling me to fast, and He would not make such a call without a specific reason or purpose. With this conviction, I entered my fast with excitement and expectancy mounting in my heart, praying, "Lord, what do you want me to do?"
I believe such a long fast was a sovereign call of God because of the magnitude of the sins of America and of the Church. The Lord impressed that upon my heart, as well as the urgent need to help accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this generation.
As I began my fast, I was not sure I could continue for forty days. But my confidence was in the Lord to help me. Each day His presence encouraged me to continue. The longer I fasted, the more I sensed the presence of the Lord. The Holy Spirit refreshed my soul and spirit, and I experienced the joy of the Lord as seldom before. Biblical truths leaped at me from the pages of God's Word. My faith soared as I humbled myself and cried out to God and rejoiced in His presence.
This proved to be the most important forty days of my life. As I waited upon the Lord, the Holy Spirit gave me the assurance that America and much of the world will, before the end of the year 2000, experience a great spiritual awakening. This divine visit from heaven will kindle the greatest spiritual harvest in the history of the Church. But before God comes in revival power, the Holy Spirit will call millions of God's people to repent, fast, and pray in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14:
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
The scope of this revival depends on how believers in America and the rest of the world respond to this call. I have spent fifty years studying God's Word and listening to His voice, and His message could not have been more clear.
This handy reference guide, Seven Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer, will help make your time with the Lord more spiritually rewarding. I encourage you to keep it with you during your fast and refer to it often because it gives easy-to-follow suggestions on how to begin your fast, what to do while you fast, and how to end your fast properly.
During my forty-day fast, God impressed me to pray that two million Christians in North America will fast for forty days by the end of the year 2000, and pray for national and worldwide revival and for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. I urge you to prayerfully consider this challenge.

Prayer and Fasting

"When you fast, don't make it obvious to others, as the hypocrites who try to look mournful or disheveled like they didn't comb their hair, or wash their face. Don't try to get people to admire you for fasting. That is the only reward you will get. But when you fast, arrange your hair and shave so no one will suspect you are fasting, except your heavenly Father who knows everything you do. Then your Father who sees what you do in secret will reward you openly" (Matt. 6:16-18).
    1. Fasting is a spiritual discipline for inward communion with God, or deep contrition against temptation, when you go without food to demonstrate your sincerity to God.
    2. Fasting without prayer is not enough, "However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting" (Matt. 17:21).
    3. Required for all on the Day of Atonement. "On the appointed day . . . you must spend the day fasting and not do any work" (Lev. 16:29, LB).
    4. A Yom Kippur fast is from sundown to sundown, giving up the evening meal, breakfast and lunch.
"When you fast, be not . . ." (6:16).
    1. It's not giving up food; it is a relationship with God.
    2. t's not about getting things from God, it is knowing God.
    3. It's not a testimony to others, "Appear not unto men to fast" (6:18).
    4. It's not turning your back on pleasure, it is finding pleasure in God.
    5. It's not meritorious, it is willingly.
    6. It's not about wearing clothes, i.e., sack cloth.
    7. It's not about mournful gestures, i.e., ashes. "Disfigure their face" was actually "make face unappeasable," or neglected.
    8. It's not what we give up.
    9. It's not about what others will think.
    10. It's not about making it through.
    1. You will establish an honest relationship with God.
    2. You will get answers to your prayer-ask (Is. 58:6, 9).
    3. You will eliminate barriers between you and God. "They gathered . . . and fasted . . . and said, we have sinned against the Lord" (1 Sam. 7:6).
    4. You will break addictions and bad habits. "To loose the bands of wickedness" (Is. 58:6).
    5. You intercede for others. "They gathered . . . and fasted . . . cease not to cry unto the Lord our God for us" (1 Sam. 7:6, 8).
    6. You will get spiritual insight. "Is not this the fast I have chosen . . . then your light shall spring forth" (Is. 58:6, 8).
    7. You will get spiritual protection. "Is not this the fast I have chosen . . . the Lord shall be your rear guard" (Is. 58:6, 8).
    8. You will get physical healing. "Is not this the fast . . . healing shall spring forth" (Is. 58:6, 8).
    9. Your spiritual warfare. "I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth . . . but the prince of Persia withstood me twenty-one days" (Daniel 10:3, 13).
    10. You energize missions outreach. "Having fasted and prayed . . . they sent them (missionaries) away" (Acts 13:3).
    1. Fasting is inward to God, not outward.
    2. Fasting puts Jesus first in your agenda.
    3. Fasting is hungering after righteousness. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness" (Matt. 5:6).
    4. Fasting begins when you yield everything to God.
    5. Write out your purpose for which you are fasting.
    6. Then write out other prayer requests.
    7. Determine the time you will pray.
    8. Determine the place you will pray.
    9. Write out the time you will begin and end your fast.
    10. Remember humility. "Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he" (Matt. 11:11).

Time to Repent— Sid Roth

 “Wait for What? Wait Until When?”

Sid Roth posted the following message today———- The Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah begins September 16, 2012. During the time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), September 25-26, the Jewish people repent of all sin.
America’s fate is contingent on being on God’s side.
As individual believers in the Messiah, we walk in instant repentance and do not have to wait for the Jewish High Holidays. But as a nation we have committed every sin in the Bible. Because of God’s mercy we have not been fully judged by Him yet. But even God has His limit. The single sin that is the tipping point for God to release His wrath has to do with Israel.
I have a special love for the Arab people. I grieve for the suffering of the Palestinian people. I see them as pawns of the enemy’s strategy to hijack Israel from God! But as a Bible believer I must side with God’s position regarding Israel’s land. The fate of America is contingent on being on God’s side regarding Israel!
God is trying to get our attention!
Did you know that every time the U.S. does something major against Israel it gets God’s attention? It brings what I call warning judgments. For instance, nine of the ten worst U.S. economic disasters in history* happened within hours of the U.S. going against Israel. God is trying to get our attention!
“THE DAY [OF THE LORD] is NEAR when I, the LORD, will judge all godless nations! As you have done to Israel, so it will be done to you” (Obadiah 1:15 NLT).
“I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into JUDGMENT with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also DIVIDED UP MY LAND” (Joel 3:2 NKJV).
God calls Israel HIS LAND. He has LEASED His land to the Jewish people FOREVER!
“He remembers His covenant FOREVER, the word which He commanded, for a THOUSAND GENERATIONS, the covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath to Isaac, and confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, TO ISRAEL as an EVERLASTING COVENANT, saying, ‘To you I will give the land of Canaan [Israel] as the allotment of your inheritance’” (Psalm 105:8-11 NKJV).
Some misguided Christians disregard the only Bible the early church had — the Old Testament. As a result, they miss what God is up to in these End Times in reference to the Jew and Israel. So for those who only regard the New Testament, I have one Scripture for you to ponder. But for a fuller understanding read Romans chapters 9-11.
“Concerning the gospel they [the Jewish people] are enemies for your sake, but concerning the election they are beloved for the sake of the fathers. For the gifts and the calling of God are IRREVOCABLE” (Romans 11:28-29 NKJV).
We have a brief window of opportunity.During these Jewish holidays, pray for the peace of Jerusalem. God promises that YOU will prosper if you pray this way (Psalm 122:6). Pray that the United States will be a blessing to Israel and you will be blessed (Gen.12:3). Pray we have a President who takes God’s position in reference to Israel. Many Israelis and Americans recognize our current administration is not a friend of Israel.
Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed frustration over America’s reluctance to set a firm limit on Iran’s nuclear program. Netanyanu stated, “The world tells Israel, ‘Wait, there’s still more time.’ And I say, ‘Wait for what? Wait until when?’”
I am not as concerned for the future of Israel as I am for the United States! Time is running out for America.


Repentance is not about repeating the same
habits over and over again. If you repent of your sin
today, it should not be repeated again the next day
because once you repent you change. If there was no
change, it was not repentance; you were more than
likely just feeling sorry for your actions.
Accept your salvation at any cost. Don’t wait.
Never meet death nor the grave without having Jesus
on your side. God wants to make it a simple thing
for you to accept Him and receive. If you don’t want
to be saved then let all that must be done to you be
done so you will finally say yes to God. There are
many who ask if God is love then why does He send
people to hell. Let’s be clear about this issue. God
loves people and He is not sending anyone to hell.
“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not so short that it cannot
save; nor is His ear so dull that it cannot hear. But
your iniquities have made a separation between you
and your God, and your sins have hidden His face
from you so that He does not hear” (Isaiah 59:1).
The sin that people choose to harbor in their lives
is that which sends them to hell. In the case where a
prodigal child chooses to disobey his parents and get
in the wrong company, and start taking drugs while
he was warned, and his parents did all they could
to prevent this but the child disobeyed and chose to
rebel, who is to blame? If parents cannot be blamed
for that situation, why would we blame God when
His children rebel? People, we need to repent and be
saved today because tomorrow might not come.
I am sure you don’t want to go through the horror
I went through to be saved. You can be saved right now.
You might say that you are not a great sinner
because you don’t do this or you don’t do that. It does
not matter whether you are a great sinner or a small
one; both sinners will end up in hell if they don’t
repent. Not even one unrighteous act or thought will
be allowed to enter into heaven. How many unrighteous
acts have you committed or how many impure
thoughts have you had? Who can be saved since it
seems impossible to be completely perfect? Who can
live a sinless life by his own strength? Who is the one
who will dare to stand before God in his own righteousness
and say “Receive me to heaven because
I deserve it”? Who is the one who is not going to
need Jesus by his side as the day comes when we will
stand before the great white throne of judgment of
God, the Righteous Judge? None – not even one. All
will need Jesus! Those who confess Him before men,
He will confess them before the Father. Those who
deny Him, He will deny them. Judgment is coming.
On that day, there won’t be any soul missing. From
the children murdered through abortion or those who
died in other ways still in their mother’s womb to
the oldest person who has ever lived, none will be
missing. All the dead, whether great or small, will be
brought before the judgment throne of God. There
won’t be anywhere to hide for on that day the earth
and the sea will give up the dead in them; death and
Hades also will give up their dead to be judged.
Who will pass the judgment of God in his own
righteousness? Who will? I am sure God’s love is
so great that He would desire to save all people but
He cannot violate His nature as a Righteous Judge.
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His
throne. How does someone make it to heaven then?
Your ticket to heaven is Jesus Christ. Heaven is a
place you enter because of what Jesus has done for
you, not because of what you have accomplished.
Only Jesus was found blameless. By receiving Him,
He gives you the right to become a child of God and
He clothes you with His own righteousness.
The character or soul of man will never die, not
even after this life! The life one will live after death is
a continuation of the life started here on earth. Those
who have Christ in them are saved and they will go
from glory to glory, from beauty to beauty, but those
who do not have Jesus Christ are lost. These lost souls
will go from worse to worse and there is no chance
for them to improve their character for righteousness
after death because they have rejected Jesus Christ.
The character of a man must be changed while he is
still on this earth. This is only possible when they
receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I am
glad that God would make it easy for us to have the
mind of Christ and His character and not our own.

The invitation

The Lord wants to save everyone. He has talked
to you through situations and circumstances and in
many other ways, but He is such a great lover to you.
He gives you a free choice, you can choose but to
accept or reject Him. He will never force anyone
into a relationship. You know why? Because God is
love and true love is never a command. True love
never forces against one’s own will. True love never
steals nor takes without permission. A demon might
possess somebody by force, but God will never force
His love on you because He is all Loving and a loving
heart never forces.
Jesus said, “For apart from me you can do
nothing” John 15:5. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can
do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.”
Friend, let me challenge you: What will you freely
choose today? Tomorrow may never come, or this
might be the last time you have a chance to repent
and unite with the One who loves you with an everlasting
love. So repent!

It is Jesus Our Redeemer

It is Jesus Our Redeemer,
Boundless, Divine Mercy!
A battered reed He will not break,
A smoldering wick He will not put out.
He will not extinguish the hope of man.
He will not harm the helpless.
His was a mission of redemption,
He accomplished it and finished strong,
Now those who believe and receive Him;
Are freed from their sins,
Washed by His own blood,
Forgiven, sanctified and justified
Theirs is eternal life;
They will enter by the gates into the city,
The New Jerusalem to share with Him the joy of

Holy Fire

Cleansed by
The fire of Your holiness
The fire of Your love
The fire of Your presence
The remnant will carry in purity and holiness
Your holy fire to the ends of the earth
Through them Your glory will be seen by all men!
Through them Your holiness will be revealed in all
the earth!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


On Sunday May 6, 2012, during a Live Sunday Service at The SCOAN, PTBJ revealed a prophetic vision concerning President Obama. These were his words.
“For the past two months now, I’ve seen this but I don’t want to--- We should pray for President Obama. We should do something quick on health care because they are going to use this against him. I will not say more than that. Because I see there will be wrestling. The wrestle--- It will be very close. The battle will be very, very close. It’s not advice. It is what I’m seeing on the board. It’s a vision.”
On Sunday November 4, 2012, during a live Sunday Service at The SCOAN, PTBJ revealed a prophetic vision concerning the election in the USA. These were his words.
"The battle will be very, very close but the reason why I am down is all about the belief of the other man and the belief of Obama. It is affecting my faith. When something is affecting my faith, I remain silent. The United States must have a president. Our prayer now is, we pray that one of them will show interest in peace because we don’t want war again; not someone who will come and promote war. Any one of them who will not promote war but be concerned about peace and the countries that are in war, how they can bring peace there. Any one of them who will go into that is what the whole world needs now. War again and again causes nothing but economic depression. Someone who will come out of the two who will be concerned about peace, bring unity and appeal to the nations all over the world and not continue with war – that is what the whole world needs now. That is my prayer. That is prophecy. The prayer is always answered. We pray towards that. God, we need a person who will come and try to talk of peace. Where they are fighting war, he would think of what he can do to stop it or to appeal to them. We just want peace, someone who would come and appeal. What can we do? We don’t want war again. We don’t want trouble. Peace, peace, peace. This is what the whole world needs now.”
Election night in USA – Obama 50%, Romney 49% Obama wins by a small margin!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tammy Baldwin is elected the first openly gay senator.

U.S. Senate candidate Tammy Baldwin speaks to supporters in Wisconsin. (Reuters)Wisconsin Democrat Rep. Tammy Baldwin has been named the projected winner in her race against Republican Tommy Thompson. Baldwin's victory makes her the first openly gay candidate elected to the U.S. Senate.
"Tammy Baldwin's victory showed what a majority of Americans already know: that candidates should be judged on their qualifications for the job and not their sexual orientation," said Herndon Graddick, president of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).
In a recent interview with the Guardian, Baldwin said, "If you are not in the room, the conversation is about you. If you are in the room, the conversation is with you."
She continued, "We never had an openly LGBT member of the U.S. Senate, and even though there are strong pro-equality allies who serve there, it has always been a conversation about a group of people. So this changes everything."
Though the votes are still being counted, several news outlets, including Reuters and Fox News, have called the race for Baldwin. It was the most expensive U.S. Senate race in Wisconsin history, with both campaigns spending an estimated $65 million, according to Reuters.
But even with some news outlets calling the race for Baldwin, the candidate's Twitter account encouraged voters to stay in line at their polling stations.
And despite Baldwin's historic win, her sexuality was not a leading issue in the race, according to the Washington Post and Slate.
"I take that as a good sign," voter Kelly Webber told the Post. "Maybe we're just moving past all that."

Still, it's worth noting that her election appears to be a historic change in the Badger State. As recently as 2006, all but one Wisconsin county voted in favor of a ballot measure to ban same-sex marriage.
The "Tammy and Tommy" race, as it was referred to locally, remained close throughout, but a final poll heading into Election Day showed Baldwin with a slight edge.
"Tonight Tammy shattered a glass ceiling that has existed for more than two centuries, and we could not be more thrilled," said Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund President Chuck Wolfe.
 Ooh!Jesus Christ help us.Where are we going? Is this Sodom and Gomorrah?Born again christians lets pray together for God's help.

Barack Obama wins election for second term as president

Barack Obama wins election for second term as president

Supporters cheer after networks project an Obama victory. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
President Barack Obama handily defeated Gov. Mitt Romney and won himself a second term Tuesday after a bitter and historically expensive race that was primarily fought in just a handful of battleground states. Networks project that Obama beat Romney after nabbing the crucial state of Ohio.
The Romney campaign's last-ditch attempt to put blue-leaning Midwestern swing states in play failed as Obama's Midwestern firewall sent the president back to the White House for four more years. Obama picked up the swing states of New Hampshire, Michigan, New Mexico, Iowa, Wisconsin, Colorado, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Ohio. Florida and Virginia are still too close to call, but even if he won them, they would not give Romney enough Electoral College votes to put him over the top. The popular vote will most likely be much narrower than the president's Electoral College victory.
The Obama victory marks an end to a years-long campaign that saw historic advertisement spending levels, countless rallies and speeches, and three much-watched debates.
The Romney campaign cast the election as a referendum on Obama's economic policies, frequently comparing him to former President Jimmy Carter and asking voters the Reagan-esque question of whether they are better off than they were four years ago. But the Obama campaign pushed back on the referendum framing, blanketing key states such as Ohio early on with ads painting him as a multimillionaire more concerned with profits than people. The Obama campaign also aggressively attacked Romney on reproductive rights issues, tying Romney to a handful of Republican candidates who made controversial comments about rape and abortion.
These ads were one reason Romney faced a steep likeability problem for most of the race, until his expert performance at the first presidential debate in Denver in October. After that debate, and a near universal panning of Obama's performance, Romney caught up with Obama in national polls, and almost closed his favoribility gap with the president. In polls, voters consistently gave him an edge over Obama on who would handle the economy better and create more jobs, even as they rated Obama higher on caring about the middle class.
But the president's Midwestern firewall--and the campaign's impressive grassroots operation--carried him through. Ohio tends to vote a bit more Republican than the nation as a whole, but Obama was able to stave off that trend and hold an edge there over Romney, perhaps due to the president's support of the auto bailout three years ago. Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan all but moved to Ohio in the last weeks of the campaign, trying and ultimately failing to erase Obama's lead there.
A shrinking electoral battleground this year meant that only 14 states were really seen as in play, and both candidates spent most of their time and money there. Though national polls showed the two candidates in a dead heat, Obama consistently held a lead in the states that mattered. That, and his campaign's much-touted get out the vote efforts and overall ground game, may be what pushed Obama over the finish line.
Now, Obama heads back to office facing what will most likely be bitterly partisan negotiations over whether the Bush tax cuts should expire. The House will still be majority Republican, with Democrats maintaining their majority in the Senate.
The loss may provoke some soul searching in the Republican Party. This election was seen as a prime opportunity to unseat Obama, as polls showed Americans were unhappy with a sluggish economy, sky-high unemployment, and a health care reform bill that remained widely unpopular. Romney took hardline positions on immigration, federal spending, and taxes during the long Republican primary when he faced multiple challenges from the right. He later shifted to the center in tone on many of those issues, but it's possible the primary painted him into a too-conservative corner to appeal to moderates during the general election. The candidate also at times seemed unable to effectively counter Democratic attacks on his business experience and personal wealth.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

This was the first Saturday service held in The SCOAN

This was the first Saturday service held in The SCOAN and it was jam packed with the congregation. It kicked off with the Prayer Line after which Prophet T.B Joshua came in to start off his talk with the former prophecies on plane accident ( and death of some top government officials) and the latest hurricane through the Bahamas and the U.S.A.
He said the universe came into being by the Word of God; Jesus was the Word, on whom we all depend, and of course, there is nothing impossible to the Word of God. Quoting from the Bible, he maintained that Jesus is the Way and the reality and outside Him, there is nothing.
The replay of a video followed in which a middle-aged man manifested at the Monday deliverance service. The spirit had spoken through her that she was its wife, and had created problems between her and her physical husband. It also said the woman was miserable and had no job. Eventually, both the woman and her husband were delivered. Prophet T.B Joshua said that our confession has been our position in Christ. He said people should not boast in what they are doing for God, but to boast for what God does in our lives because boasting in what we are doing enhances self-righteousness.


She had experienced multiple fibroids for years, leading to miscarriage. Doctors had recommended an operation, but she rather chose to visit the SCOAN for prayers. She was privileged to have the Anointing Water with which she prayed. She had come to give testimony at the church for her deliverance when she had to enter the toilet and many other ugly items were flushed out of her. She had visited the doctors again for a scan where she was told fibroids had deserted her system (she brought two medical reports – before and after the elimination of the fibroids). Full of happiness, she advised that people should commit themselves to God, for He is the only solution to their problems.


His bank had engaged in a transformation to position itself in the banking sector in Nigeria; and this entailed rationalization and restructuring-staff were retrenched. He has worked for many years, and loves to remain on the job. Many family members rely on him for survival. He came to the SCOAN and was privileged to acquire Anointing water with which he prayed. He was moved from the position of a manager to Senior Executive Manager, while many of his colleagues were retrenched. He said he had used the Anointing water as a life jacket. He advised his colleagues to resort to prayers because it is remedy to every malady and a salve to every sore.


She was travelling to her village and had applied the Anointing Water for God’s protection. But the jeep driver, in which she rode, was over speeding leading to a gruesome accident. She was one of the five in the vehicle and she was praying hard as it somersaulted. An axe was later used to break the damaged vehicle, and none of them was wounded. It was the Anointing Water which had covered them with the blood of Jesus. She had advised that since God will keep saving everyone in Jesus’ name, people should depend on Him for their protection and safety.


The Rivers- State born is a business man whose engine boat was stolen at its anchor by the sea pirates. He was using the boat to transport his workers and materials. Having seen the kind of miracles happening at the SCOAN through the Emmanuel TV, he had visited the church to acquire Anointing Water with which he prayed for the return of his boat. God was on his side, and the pirates returned the boat to its anchor. He advised that people should stay in faith and trust in God for their deliverance.


She is a South African Civil Engineer whose home was burgled by armed robbers who terrorized her and collected some 300,000 Rands from her. But that happened when forced to change to another channel from the Emmanuel TV. One of her friends eventually collected Anointing Water and sticker from the SCOAN which were given to the engineer. She had sprayed the water to secure her property. In 2011, the armed robbers visited again, but they did not even touch the door (which had the Anointing Sticker). They failed to enter the house. She was grateful to God, and had advised that people should not be afraid if they trust in God and that distance is not a barrier for Christ.


A video was replayed in which Prophet TB Joshua prophesied to a woman to beware of marrying and re-marrying as she had a spiritual husband. Mrs Becky had come to church to narrate her story: in 2011, she had come to the SCOAN because of the problems of spiritual husband and delayed pregnancy as her menses had ceased for four years. She used to see the spiritual husband in her kitchen, and she had the spirit of anger. She decided to come to church with her husband; that very month, she started seeing her menses. She later got pregnant and experienced ease during labour and delivery after acquiring the Anointing Water which she sprayed and prayed with. The girl delivered was named Josephine. She advised that people should have faith as all things are possible through Him.


The Delta State- born Managing Director of an oil company had manifested during the church service on Monday and the spirit in her- as shown in the replayed video-had confessed that she was a queen and a python in the ocean. In the church today, she had spoken on her life that since the age of ten years, she had become a leader among the water spirits. At 22, she was blessed by the queen of the coast and she became a wealthy person. She often went to the river to sacrifice in red and white apparels, but she had decided to abandon such spirits as she grew older. Her wealth started to disappear. Some spiritualists (pretending to be pastors) decided to help her by taking her to Bombay, India, where a ritualist drenched her with powers. Yet, her oil barge sank and she sank further into debts and failed business. The ring she was given worked with her natural hair to cast spells on her. Her vessels sank in Bonny Island and her money got scattered; the spirit attempted to strangle her, severally, but Prophet Joshua had appeared to deliver her, in dream. She became addicted to watching Emmanuel TV; she no longer experiences the spiritual husband or swimming in the river (in her kingdom). She was grateful to God for her deliverance and pledged that she would no longer depart from the path of truth.