Holy Spirit

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Historic Crusades by Benny Hinn

Benny Hinn Ministries has seen unprecedented doors opened for ministry around the globe for more than 30 years. During the past four years, especially, the pace has quickened and spread significantly:
We saw 2004 as a breakthrough year, with capacity crowds filling arenas throughout the United States and places such as Costa Rica, India, Japan, Australia, England, Switzerland, Canada, Israel, and Guatemala. Multiplied millions heard the clear-cut message of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.
In 2005, Benny Hinn preached face to face to over 21 million souls in faraway places such as the Philippines, Nigeria, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Ireland, Brazil, and South Africa, including 7.3 million in India alone—history’s largest healing service.
During 2006, in addition to crusades and conferences held in North American cities, Benny Hinn flew to massive oversees meetings in Fiji, South Korea, Indonesia, Denmark, Trinidad and Tabago, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India, England, Italy, Greece, and Argentina. In all, well over 10 million people heard the preaching of the Gospel.
During 2007, because of the unprecedented move of God throughout the whole earth, we have traveled to the furthest corners of the world and seen hundreds and hundreds of thousands accept our wonderful Jesus as their personal Savior through Holy Spirit Miracle Crusades in such places as the Dominican Republic to Cyprus, South Africa, Singapore, the UK, Uganda, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, and most recently in Paris, France. Countless lives have been saved, healed, and delivered during this year, to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ!
During the past two years, according to our flight logs, I have spent over 1240 hours in the air, exclusively for ministry-related travel. By comparison, according to the National Business Aviation Association, the average major corporation’s plane spends 408 hours in the air each year—for all of their executives combined! And the upcoming months point to an even greater pace as we seek to fulfill Matthew 24:14, to take this end-time witness to the nations!

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Benny Hinn

Kathryn Kulhman