All roads, in the last two weeks, have led to The SCOAN in Lagos,
Nigeria. The Arena of Liberty, as it is fondly referred to, has been a
beehive of activities with worshippers pouring in from all walks of life
and all corners of the world for one major purpose – to humble
themselves before God and seek His face as they bid farewell to 2013 and
step into 2014. This made the last Sunday service a memorable one to
behold. Among the visitors who graced the service were Malawi’s
President, Dr Joyce Banda and her husband, retired Chief Justice Richard
Banda. A delegation from the nation of South Sudan was also in
attendance from the country’s president, General Salva Kiir Mayardit.
They came in appreciation of Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prophetic message a
few months ago concerning the crisis that recently engulfed the new
nation, requesting prayers for Divine intervention.

The service was also lit up with stars from many sectors of society.
Kimmy Skota, a professional opera singer from South Africa who got
delivered at the recent Anointing Water Revival held at the New Bingley
Hall in Brimingham, UK, came to share her testimony. The singer, who has
in her life time performed before high profile audiences across the
globe, did more than just testify – she performed alongside The SCOAN
choir, to the glory of God and amazement of the congregation. Also on
call, to the surprise of Emmanuel TV viewers worldwide and football
followers in particular, was Nigeria’s national football team midfielder
Ogenyi Onazi. The player, who plies his professional trade at Lazio in
Italy, was an amazement to watch as he masterfully manned the church’s
keyboard. Onazi is a product of The SCOAN’s youth football team, My
People FC and used to play the instrument for the church choir before he
ventured on his illustrious football career.
Again, God’s power manifested in abundance through healings,
deliverances and prophecies as Prophet T.B. Joshua moved among the
congregation ministering prayer by the power of the Holy Spirit. He
spoke about the coming year, describing it as a
bridge; a
delicate, sensitive year. The man of God said, “It is a bridge that
connects one to another. If the year is a bridge, what exactly will you
expect? It means you have to live modestly. Cut your coat according to
your size. It is not a time to walk arrogantly or a time to be proud. A
time to cross a bridge is a time to be very careful.”
He continued, “Destiny will work beautifully next year. Destiny –
exactly what God has destined for you. If you are very careful, you will
cross the bridge successfully. Please, you have to return back to your
destiny. What is the meaning of destiny? It is the way of the Lord. This
year, you have to return to the way of the Lord!”

Wise Man Daniel preached on the message:
ALLOW GOD TO DECIDE which hinged on man’s vulnerability to making wrong decisions when faced with challenges. Picking as proof text
Acts 16:18-25,
which talks of Paul and Silas’ incarceration, he said it is obvious
that before God Almighty came to their rescue in the prison, the two
were confined to the harsh realities of life – ‘a very tensed and
difficult situation that offered them the opportunity to grumble, to
murmur and rebel against their God.’
“But as genuine Christians, instead of seeing their God in bad light,
they chose to praise and worship Him. It is in a tensed and difficult
situation like this we know the difference between real Christians and
professing Christians. As a Christian, if you were to find yourself in
the same situation Paul and Silas found themselves, what decision would
you have made? Remember, at that point when everything seemed to suggest
that, there was no hope and no future, if they were not members of the
household of faith, they would have given in to fear and then begin to
rebel against their God,” he said, adding however, “they never did that
because they knew that the devil wants us – children of God – to curse
God while under pains, difficulties or harsh realities of life.”
He said instead of murmuring and grumbling, Christians should let God
decide for them. “As a Christian, what becomes of you today depends on
how much you involve God in your matter
(Psalm 37:5-6).
What you will be tomorrow depends on the choices you make today.
Remember, blessed is the man who makes Christ Jesus his source; for he
will see the reason for his believing, even in hard times,” he stated