Thursday, May 31, 2012

Biography of Prophet Tb Joshua

God chooses grace rather than works”(Ephesians 2:8-9)
This means that if the weak come to Him, He would help their weakness just as He would help the strong. God knows we are weak – that is why He chooses grace. If God had chosen works rather than grace, man would have the autonomy to choose whom to help with his works and how to do His works.
The battle would be for the strongest leaving no room for people like me (T.B. Joshua). The race would be for the swiftest leaving no room for people like me (T.B. Joshua).”
Isaiah 6:8 – “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
T.B. Joshua is just one of those who have submitted to the will of God. He acknowledges that if God had chosen works rather than grace, no one would merit His mercy.
In a sermon titled, “By His Grace”, he explained:“Wisdom in the practical sense of ability and skill cannot guarantee success in life. It is the goodness of our cause that interests God more than physical and mental disposition. This explains why the weak people like me who are without great strength, a smooth tongue, fast legs or high learning should ever remain grateful to God”.
Right from the outset of his incredible journey, the hand of God has been clearly evident in the life of Prophet T.B. Joshua. He was born on June 12th, 1963 in the small village of Arigidi in Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria. The pregnancy period of his mother was by no means ordinary, as the baby remained in her womb for 15 months before he was born. Significantly, almost a hundred years prior to his birth, it had been prophesied that a young man would emerge from the poor Oosin quarters and that God would use him mightily. Another remarkable event occurred when he was three days old, as a large boulder crashed through the roof of his house, missing the baby by mere inches. This incident led to his mother naming him, ‘Temitope’, meaning, ‘What You (God) have done for me is worthy of thanks’.
During his elementary education at St. Stephen’s Anglican primary school, Arigidi, he was the leader of the Student Christian fellowship. He was the smallest in the class but led the prayer during the school devotions and was known as ‘small pastor’. He was unable to complete his secondary education due to poverty.
Reflecting on his early life, he said: “I found myself in a family background that irritated me. My natural circumstance of birth was poverty. I come from a very humble background. Poverty loomed large in the family. The little education I had was through self-effort. I know many people with a similar circumstance of birth who did otherwise. They allowed their circumstance to influence their will. Their dreams crashed on the rocks of disappointment, failure and setback …In those early years of my life, we knew we would be blamed for what we gave our attention to.”
In an article written by T.B. Joshua himself, titled, ‘Everything Big Starts Little’, he explains more…
Very early in life, he knew how much he needed God, so he did not allow the situation around him to affect his relationship with God. As described in his own words, T.B. Joshua recounts how he discovered the direction of God’s calling for his life:
Life After Life
“I was in a trance for three consecutive days, then I saw a hand that pointed a Bible to my heart and the Bible entered my heart and my former heart seemed to immerse with the Bible immediately. Then the awareness came and I saw the apostles and prophets of old with someone whose head I could not see because He was tall to the heaven and suspended, which I believe was our Lord Jesus Christ sitting in their midst. I also saw myself in their midst. After a while, I saw a hand of the same tall man, I could not behold His face, which was glittering with an unimaginable light, tall to the high heavens and suspended in the air. But other apostles I could see their faces, particularly Apostles Peter and Paul, Prophets Moses, Elijah and others. Their names were boldly written on their chests.
I heard a voice saying, “I am your God; I am giving you a divine commission to go and carry out the work of the Heavenly Father”. At the same time, the same hand of the tall man gave me a small cross and a big Bible, bigger than the one that entered my heart with a promise that as I keep pressing in His time and name, I would be given a bigger cross but if I fail the opposite would occur. I also heard a voice of the same tall man, I could not see His head, saying, I am the Lord your God who was and who is – Jesus Christ, giving orders to all the apostles and prophets. The same voice said to me, “I would show you the wonderful ways I would reveal myself through you, in teaching, preaching, miracles, signs and wonders for the salvation of souls”.
Since then, I have been receiving in my vision, every year according to my faithfulness to God, a bigger cross that means to me more responsibilities.
The Bible that entered my heart symbolized Spirit and life (The Holy Spirit). God’s Word is Spirit and life. He does nothing without His Word. The book of Romans 8:16 says, God’s Spirit joins Himself to our spirit to declare that we are children of God. The Father gave the Spirit to make us like His Son.
Father, thank You for Your Spirit, fill us with Your love and power, change us into Christ’s own image, day by day and hour by hour.
God Himself performs the divine anointing on all who have the wonderful privilege of becoming His children (2 Corinthians 1:21-23 and Luke 24:48-49).
Obedient to the divine call, T.B. Joshua, started a ministry with a mere eight members, prophetically naming it, ‘The Synagogue, Church of All Nations’ of which he is the General Overseer. Today, by the grace of God, as a man of faith, he is both a representative of God and of people. The ministry started very small, but has now grown far beyond the shores of Nigeria.
Evidently, T.B. Joshua has come a long way, full of troubles and hurdles, but all the way long, there has been an unseen hand of God intervening in his affairs. In every situation, he has remained focused on what God has to say.
For those whose lives are centred in Christ Jesus, the best is always yet to come…

Pray with Prophet Tb Joshua

In Mark 11:24, Jesus said: “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”
God can use any medium to express Himself. As you pray along with T.B. Joshua as he prays for the viewers, remember that believing is our connection to Christ Jesus. Prayer is an expression of belief. Because we believe we pray (2 Corinthians 4:13).
As you pray, we encourage you to begin to ask for God’s mercy and favour. Ask Jesus to help you to understand that in mercy, He has called you and blessed you. In mercy, He has called you and healed you. In mercy, you and I are not excluded.
Lamentations 3:21-22
This I recall to my mind,
Therefore I have hope.
22 Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.,

Monday, May 28, 2012

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

Watch this an amazing crusade conducted by Ev.Reinhard Bonnke in Nigeria.1,600,000people were gather together listening the word of God.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Survey of Bible Doctrine:
Angels, Satan, Demons

The Doctrine of Angels


I. The Existence of Angels
A.. The Bible assumes their existence.
1. 34 books (of 66 total) refer to angels.
2. Christ taught their existence (Matt.8:10; 24:31; 26:53 etc.).
B. The Bible describes their creation.
1. Angels were created by God (Ps.148:2,5; Col.1:16). Only God had no beginning (1 Tim.6:16).
2. Angels were created before the world and man (Job 38:6,7).
3. Angels were created holy (Ezek.28:15; Jude 6).
II. The Nature of Angels
A. Angels are personal beings.
1. They have intellect (Matt.28:5; 1 Pet.1:12).
2. They have emotions (Job 38:7; Luke 2:13; 15:10)
3. They have will (Jude 6).
B. Angels are spirit beings.
1. They exist as spirits – not with material bodies (Heb. 1:14).
a. An angel can be in only one place at one time (Dan.9:21-23; 10:10-14)
b. Although they are spirit beings, they can appear in the form of men (in dreams – Matt.1:20; in natural sight with human functions – Gen.18: 1-8; 22: 19:1; seen by some and not others – 2 Kings 6:15-17).
2. They cannot reproduce (Mark 12:25).
3. They do not die (Luke 20:36).
C. Angels have communicable attributes in a degree greater than man but less than God.
1. They have more knowledge than man (Matt.24:31; Luke 1:13-16) but less than God (Matt.24:36).
2. They have more power than man (2 Pet.2:11; acts 5:19) but less than God.
D. Angels are organized and ranked. One “archangel,” Michael is named (Jude 9).  There are also “chief princes” (Dan.10:13), “seraphim” (Is.6:1-3) and “cherubim” (Gen.3:22-24).
III. The Ministries of Angels
A. They worship God. Angels are continually involved in praising God (Rev.4:6-11) through describing His attributes (Is.6:3) and singing praises (Rev.5:8,9).
B. They ministered to Christ. Angels announced His birth (Luke 1:26-33; 2:13), protected Him  (Matt.2:13), strengthened Him (Matt.4:11; Luke 22:43), and explained to men His resurrection (Matt.28:6) and ascension (Acts 1:10,11).
C. They carry out God’s government. Angels are God’s servants (Ps.103:20; Heb.1:7) and messengers (Luke 1:19; 2:8-14).  They can be involved in controlling nature (Rev.7:1; 16:3,8,9), nations (2 Kings 19:35), and Satan and demons (Dan.10:13,21; 12:1).  They will perform future judgment for God (Matt.13:3a; Rev.15:1; 16:1-21).
D. They protect God’s people. Angels are sent to serve believers (Heb.1:14).  They protect the godly (Ps.34:7; Dan.6:20,23), oppose our enemies (Ps.35:4,5) and are specifically assigned as guardians of individuals (Matt.18:10).  They are God’s agents in answering prayer (Acts 12:7) even bringing physical provisions (Gen.21:17-20; 1 Kings 19:5-7).
E. They assist believers at death (Luke 16:22; Jude 9).

The Doctrine of Satan

I. The Existence of Satan
A. Seven Old Testament books and every New Testament writer refer to Satan.
B. Jesus referred to Satan (Matt.13:39; Luke 10:18; 11:18).
II. The Personality and Names of Satan
A. Personality – He has intellect (2 Cor.11:3), emotions (Rev.12:17) and will (2 Tim.2:26.
B. Names – He is called Satan, the Devil (slanderer), Lucifer (son of the morning), Beelzebub (Lord of the flies – Matt.12:24), and Belial (lawless – 2 Cor.6:15), the evil one (1 John 5:19), the tempter (1 Thess.3:5), the prince of this world (John 12:31), the god of this age (2 Cor.4:4), the prince of the power of the air (Eph.2:2), the accuser of the brethren (Rev.12:10), and angel of light (false light – 2 Cor.11:14), a serpent (Rev.12:9), and a dragon (Rev.12:3).
III.  The Nature of Satan
A. He is a created angelic being. He was created as part of the angelic realm (Eph.6:11,12; Ezek.24:18) and was the highest in rank of them all (Ezek.28:12-14).
B.  He is an enemy of righteousness. He is a murderer (John 8:44), a liar (John 8:44), and accuser (Rev.12:10) and our adversary (1 Pet.5:8).
C. He is a limited creature. He is limited by God (Job.1:12).  He is not God’s equal (1 John 4:4).  He is not omniscient, omnipotent or infinite in any way.  Believers with God’s help can resist him (James 4:7).
IV. The Fall of Satan
Key Passages – Ezekiel 28; Isaiah 14
A. Ezekiel 28:11-19 is a prophetic lamentation over the “King of Tyre” who is described in language that fits Satan’s fall and not a mere human king.  Satan is distinguished form the human ruler of Tyre in 28:2 (“prince/ruler”) and called a “king” in 28:12 (Not even Israel’s rulers were called “King”).  Though Tyre had a human “ruler”, Satan was the real “King” behind that wicked kingdom.
B. His attributes – Moral perfection (v.12) Sinless at his creation until his fall (v.15)
C. His appearance – Perfect in beauty (v.12b,13)
1. His privileges – Free access to the garden of Eden (v.12) and to God’s holy mountain (= God’s presence – v.14)
2. His rank – “Cherub” (vs.14,16)
3. His judgment –
a. Cast out of the mountain of God (v.16, cf. Rev12:4)
b. Cast to the ground (v.17)
c. Consumed by fire (v.18, cf. Rev.20:10)
D. Isaiah 14:12-15 also seems to describe Satan’s fall.  Satan is manifest here by the king of Babylon.  As in Ezekiel 28, Satan is pictured here as the real “king” behind the wicked human kingdom of Babylon.
1. The imagery of a “star” and “falling from heaven” (v.12) suggests a supernatural fulfillment.  “Stars” (v.12,13) are symbolic of the angelic realm elsewhere (Job 38:6,7; Rev.12:4).
2. The five “I will’s” of vss. 13 & 14 are literally true of Satan and only metaphorically true of Babylon’s king.  This ultimate form of pride (“I will be like the Most High” – v.14) fits the New Testament description of Satan’s fall 1 Tim.3:6.
V. The Activity of Satan
Satan is seeking to oppose God’s plan by promoting evil in every way possible.
A.  Indirect Activity – He works indirectly through the world (in which he has great freedom and power – John 12:31; 1 John 5:19) and the flesh (Gal.5:19-21).  The world, the flesh and the devil are not three separate enemies of the Christian.  Rather Satan works through the evil world system (1 John 2:13-15) to exploit the fleshly nature that still wars within us (Rom.7:18; Gal.5:19-21).

B. Direct Activity – He works directly by deception, temptation, attack and possession.
1. In Christ’s ministry
a. He tempted Christ (Matt.4:1-11).
b. He attempted to thwart Christ’s work (John 8:44; Matt.16:23; Luke 22:31).
c. He possessed Judas to accomplish the betrayal (John 13:27).
2. In unbelievers
a. He blinds their minds to hinder their understanding of the gospel (2 Cor.4:4).
b. When the gospel is heard or understood, he tries to hinder its effect (Luke 8:12).
c. He uses persecution (Rev.2:10) and false religions (Rev.2:13) to hinder the effect of the gospel.
3. In believers
a. He tempts believers (to pride – 1 Chron.21:1-8; to materialism – John 2:15; James 5:1-7; to immorality – 1 Cor.7:5; to lie – Acts 5:3; to discouragement – 1 Pet.5:6-10; to be unforgiving – 2 Cor.2:10,11 etc.).
b. He hinders the ministries of believers (1 Thess.2:18; Rev.2:10).
c. He promotes false teaching among believers (1 John 4:1-4).
d. He promotes anger, bitterness and division (Eph.4:26,27; 2 Cor.2:5-11). Note:  See the supplement – “Satanic Activity and Spiritual Warfare” for more information on how Satan and his demons work and how we must respond.

The Doctrine of Demons

I.   The Existence and Nature of Demons
A. Their Creation – God created demons as part of the angelic realm originally (Col.1:16).
B. Their Fall –
1. The evidence – It is clear that Satan has a following of like beings  (“Prince of the demons” – Matt.12:24; the Devil and his angels –  Matt.25:41).  Demons are described throughout the Scriptures (Dan.10:10-20; Matt.10:1; Eph.6:12).
2. The time – At the fall of Satan, many angels followed him in that rebellion (demons are fallen angels).  A third of the angelic host seem to have fallen with Satan (Rev.12:4 – the imagery of Satan as a “dragon” and angels/demons as “stars”).
C. Their Nature –
1. Demons are by nature the same kind of spirit beings as angels.  They are personal, intelligent beings.
2. Demons are morally wicked (“unclean spirits” – Matt.10:1; “evil” – Luke 7:21; “wickedness/darkness” – Eph.6:12).
a. They are deceitful (1 Tim.4:1-3; 2 Cor.11:13-15).
b. They are immoral (Gen.6:4; Jude 6,7).
3. Demons are invisible but also able to appear (Satan – Zech.3:1; Matt.4:9.10; Demons – Rev.9:7-10; 16:13-16).
4. Demons have great intelligence.  They knew Christ’s identity and power (Mark 1:14,34; 5:6,7).  They know their own future judgment (Matt.8:28,29).  They can attempt to predict the future (Acts 16:16). They’re knowledge is not infinite. They learned it through thousands of years of experience and observation.
5. Demons have great strength (Mark 5:3; Acts 19:16; Rev.9:1-11).
II.  The Activity of Demons
Demons are involved in carrying out Satan’s evil plans (2 Cor.11:15).  What Satan is said to be doing (see above) is their work directly.
A. Demons promote idolatry (Lev.17:7; Deut.32:17; Ps.106:36-38).  This activity is blatant in primitive cultures.
B. Demons are active in hindering the spiritual progress of believers every way they can (see Satan’s activities).  They are deliberate and organized in these attempts (Eph.6:10-12).
C. Demons promote false teaching (1 Tim.4:1).
D. Demons can possess and afflict people (see supplement).
1. They cause physical ailments (dumbness – Matt.9:32,33; blindness – Matt.12:22;  convulsions – Matt.17:15-18; Mark 9:20; self-injury – Mark 5:5; 9:22).
2. They cause mental disorders (withdrawal, nudity, filth, irrational behavior – Luke 8:27-29; suicidal mania – Mark 9:22).
3. They inflict problems upon believers as well, if allowed by God (Job’s troubles – Job 2:7-9; Paul’s “thorn in the flesh: - 2 Cor.17:7).
E. Demons promote selfishness and division in the church (James 3:13-16).

Posted by Innocent

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


See this!

"Beloved ,If our heart condemn us not,then have we confidence toward God"

                                                                                            1John 3:21(AKJV)

(Beloved anybody who have a comment worry not send to me even to our e -mail

Sunday, May 13, 2012

An Amazing Testimony About the Holy Spirit

My First Encounter:
Read this testimony from this Sister an Amazing testimony.

At the age of twelve, I had a dream in which I saw myself kneeling at the back of a small church and weeping profusely. In the dream, I had just been reprimanded by my grandmother and had ran out of the house. I dashed across the street and ran into this church. While kneeling there, I sensed Someone else was in the room. As I slowly lifted my head, I could see Someone gracefully walking towards me. As soon as my eyes saw Him, I was made to understand, in my heart, that this Person was Jesus. It seemed somehow, that this thought was “injected” in my heart and mind.

As I continued to look at Him, this beautiful Person came and knelt next to me. He put one of His arms around my shoulder and wiped my teary eyes with His other hand. Then, He said these words to me: “Do not weep, My child. Whatsoever you shall ask the Father for in My Name, you shall receive.” (John 16:23). I don’t remember what happened after that, except to say that when I woke up the next morning, I announced that I “dreamt Jesus.” It meant nothing to me. No one responded. I guess it meant nothing to them, either.
This was my first encounter with the Living Christ. Eighteen years later when I got saved, I read John 16: 23 in God's Word. Praise the Lord.

Our Church's first service was held on Sunday, November 19, 1995. It was a time of great and thankful praises and glory to our dear Lord. The Presence of the wonderful Holy Spirit was so real. I was still marveling at the goodness of our great God, and thinking how blessed I am to have come to know our Lord Jesus. I was in a state of extreme thankfulness. Monday went by, and all day I sensed His amazing grace over me. I felt my Father's love in a very special way.

When you know that you have been pulled from the pit, you cannot help but be grateful!

When it was time to go to sleep, I seemed to be most bright-eyed! I tried playing a cassette by Pastor Bob Phillips, but the tape recorder seemed to gurgle. As I was lying on my bed, I noticed the clock's large, red digital numbers glowing in the dark; it read, “1:03 AM”. What happened next was one of the most extraordinary experiences I have ever had!

I was suddenly put into a very deep sleep, in a trance-like state. This is what I saw and experienced. I saw myself sitting on the couch in our living room. The couch was facing the door to the balcony. Coming from the direction of the balcony was the most awesome Person. The Person of God the Holy Spirit! Walking behind the Spirit of the Living God was an angel, not more than four feet tall. God the Holy Spirit came directly towards me. As He slowly walked to me, His head held high, His shoulders thrust out, all Majesty, Authority and Power, the thought was imparted to my spirit, “This is God the Holy Ghost!” Because the Lord Jesus has appeared to me over twenty-one times, one of the first things I remember thinking was that the Holy Spirit looks so much like the Lord Jesus. He looks like His Twin! But, I seemed to also notice the difference between Them. In the visions granted to me of our Lord Jesus, His hair is down close to His shoulders. The Holy Spirit's hair was not down, but sticking out with power. Thinking about His hair afterwards, it reminded me of someone sticking his finger in a live electrical outlet.

This Mighty Holy Spirit, this very beautiful Third Person of the Godhead, strode toward me and I stood up. The Spirit of God stood about fifteen inches in front of me. I looked into the very penetrating, deep, serious, serene and very holy eyes of God the Holy Ghost, and I felt I was looking into Eternity! At that moment, I found myself looking down on the carpet where I was standing. I trembled in the Presence of this Holy One with an awesome reverence. As this Holy Wonder of the Lord stood before me, I put out both my hands before Him, palms facing upwards, and I spoke these words, “Would You please pray that Jesus would always keep me?” When I spoke these words, God's Holy Spirit placed both His Palms on my palms. I felt the sensation of electricity surging through my entire body.

Next, with His eyes still staring into my very soul, the Spirit of God began to rub my palms with His Palms, one at a time. He slowly rubbed one palm after the other, in a striding type of way. By this time, my eyes were staring at both His Hands. I believe the Lord's Holy Spirit rubbed my palms about eight times. As He did so, I was amazed to see Oil gushing out of the middle of His Palms over mine! The Oil which flowed freely from the Holy Spirit's Palms was bearably hot, and as it overflowed my palms, it went to the back of my hands. As I stood there before the Lord, I found myself rubbing my hands with the Oil still overflowing and dripping on the carpet. I found myself saying these words, “These hands shall be laid on the sick and they shall recover.” With that, God the Holy Spirit and the angel both turned and walked back the way they came.

My eyes opened. The first thing I noticed was the time on the clock. It read, “1:17 AM”. I believe God arranged it so that I would see the time before and after this holy experience. For fourteen unforgettable minutes, I was in the Presence of God the Holy Spirit. I could hardly lift my elbow to nudge my sleeping husband. After many attempts, I stuttered, “I, I, I looked into the eyes of the Holy Ghost and I saw Eternity!” I was so shaken up, I could hardly speak.

A couple of days later, when I tried to play the cassette which had previously gurgled, it played fine. The message was timely. Pastor Bob Phillips spoke about the Holy Spirit, and the last line in his message was that, “he that believes, out of his belly shall flow RIVERS OF LIVING WATER!!!”

People have asked me how I know that I saw God the Holy Spirit. Some say that the Holy Spirit cannot be seen because He is a Spirit.

My answer is that whether we believe in Heaven or Hell, they still exist. Furthermore, in my first vision of our Lord Jesus as a twelve year old Hindu child, the thought was imparted to my heart, “This is Jesus,” even though I did not know Him.

Recently, I was privileged for the second time to meet with Dr. Gwen Shaw, President of End-Time Handmaidens and Servants Ministry ( This beautiful, anointed and respected Bible Teacher and End-Time General in the Lord's Army shared some real insight into my experience as she related it to a group having lunch with her and her dear husband, Papa Jim. As Sister Gwen so rightly pointed out, “The Lord is quite able to remove the veil of the natural eyes, and allow whomsoever He chooses to look into the things of the supernatural. He is Sovereign! In Heaven, the saints are all in spirit forms. Yet, they are seen and recognized by one another.”
So, dear ones, if you have a difficult time believing my experience with the Holy Spirit, it still happened. I am simply sharing my experience as it was given to me by my wonderful Lord!

I asked the Lord to give me Scripture to back up my experience. He gave me Romans 8:26-27 -- “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit Himself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.”

The Journey continues . . .

Many things continue to happen since that wonderful visitation by the Holy Ghost. People have been healed and continue to be healed, to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On a daily basis, I experience the Golden Oil of the Holy Spirit running down my head. I actually feel the physical sensation of this happening. Psalm 23:5 -- “Thou anointest my head with Oil; my cup runneth over.” See also Psalm 89:20.

During my fellowship and prayer time with the Lord, the Shadow of Almighty God falls over me. I know when He comes and I see when His Shadow falls, whether my eyes are open or closed, whether it is daytime or nighttime. Psalm 91:1 -- ”He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty.”

Many times, a spiritual Mantle is thrown over my shoulders. It is like someone standing behind me and throwing a cloak over my shoulders. I know Who that Someone is! Praise the Lord.

In the early hours of the morning, I am awakened by the Holy Wind of the Spirit of the Living God. The Wind of the Holy Spirit is blown into my ear, usually my left ear. Isaiah 50:4 -- ”He wakeneth (me) morning by morning, He wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.”

Sometimes I experience the Rain and the Dew of the Holy Spirit falling over me. At times it is cold and at times I could only describe it as Liquid Fire. When the Dew falls over me, it is like a light sprinkle compared to the Rain. Isaiah 44:3 -- ”For I will pour Water upon him that is thirsty, and Floods upon the dry ground: I will pour My Spirit upon thy seed, and My blessing upon thine offspring.”

Every one of my finger tips have become raised. Our Church family calls them “fire blisters”. They are most pronounced when I speak about our Lord Jesus Christ and the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. These fire blisters, which are on all my fingers, are visible to the eyes. I asked the Lord what this means. He laid upon my heart that He had left His mark on my hands. To our lovely Lord Jesus Christ be all the glory, honour, praise and credit. I lift HIM up.

When God anoints a vessel, it is for service. I thank the Lord for this great privilege He has given each one of us to serve Him.

A couple of years ago, our family doctor scheduled me for an electrocardiogram as part of an annual check-up. As I lay down on the bed, the nurse cautioned me not to touch the wall. While I was lying on the bed, the anointing of the Lord came upon me. I could physically feel the Oil of the Holy Spirit leaking down my head. As the nurse was watching the needle on the graph, it took an unusual jump up and down. “I told you not to touch the wall!” she exclaimed, somewhat aggravated. “I'm not touching the wall,” I answered. When the electrocardiogram was finished, I explained to her what had happened, and showed her my fingertips which were still raised up. She was stunned.

When the anointing is on me in an increased way, I literally hear the sound of it. The best way that I can describe it is that it sounds like very dry firesticks burning briskly. It is like a crackling sound. It is the anointing of the Holy Ghost and Fire! Praise the Lord!!

I believe God is preparing this vessel for a time such as this. I vow to give Him all the glory, honour, praise, and all the credit. I don't understand all that is happening, but I know it is of God and so my heart is at rest. I love my Lord with every ounce of my being. May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit of the Living God be glorified! Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen.

Dreams And Visions Given To Pastor Prema By The Lord
My first encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ was at the tender age of twelve. This beautiful Person came to me, knelt near me, tenderly dried my weeping eyes and spoke to me. You may read more about this in my testimony at May you, dear reader, be blessed by some of the dreams and visions God has granted me. All for the glory of our lovely Lord Jesus Christ.

In 1986, eight years before I met my husband, the Lord showed him to me in a dream. We were both in Sri Lanka and he was preaching the Word. I was standing with my Bible held high up in the air. We met in 1994, and seven weeks later we were married. Today we both preach the Word, to the glory of God.

One night I saw thousands of angels entwined in a circle around the sky. In the center was the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord was nailed to the Cross. He was still alive. I saw Him from a side view. His leg was jerking with agony. The angels were looking on.

One night the Lord appeared to me in a dream. As we walked, I told Him how grateful I was to Him for dying on the Cross for me. I thanked Him for shedding His most precious Blood for me and for this world. He replied, “Yes, it was not the blood of seven thousand chickens. It was My Blood. My Precious Blood.” We walked without speaking another word. Then the Lord stopped. He said to me, “Meet Me here every morning.” It was about 2:30 AM.

On my way to church one evening, my son and I were a short block away from the gas station when the car ran out of gas. I usually drive with at least half a tank full. But I had used the car quite a bit and I had reasoned that I would fill up on my way to church. Sanjay was only nine at the time. I left him in the car and started to walk to the gas station, praying quietly, “Lord, I need Your help. I don't know how to put gas in the car.” (I know now.) Suddenly a man stepped across my pathway, carrying a briefcase under his arm. I asked for his help. He was so kind and helpful. I invited him to church and thanked him for being so kind. I asked him if he was “Born Again.” He said, “My Father is.” I was curious about his profession. He told me that he was in the insurance business. We got to the car. He shook Sanjay's hand. He helped put the gas in my car. As I sat in the driver's seat, he stood outside the car in a friendly way. I slightly turned my head to pull the seat belt. As I turned back, HE WAS GONE! The Lord sent His angel to help me fill the gas! When I finished shouting with joy and calmed down, the Lord gave me the interpretation of my encounter. Angels cannot be “Born Again.” They are created. Also, the angels are sent by God to insure the protection of God's people (Psalm 91). They are our insurance agents! Glory! I just knew as we drove to church that he was sitting on the top of the car, having a great time!

One night I had a vision of a very tall, blonde, blue-eyed angel standing at the foot of my bed. He was all smiles. I felt so peaceful and happy. I asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “My name is Judah.” Judah is a Hebrew word which means praise. Because I love to praise the Lord with all my being, I believe that the Lord sent me an angel of praise.

One night in a vision, I walked with an angel from 10 PM to 4 AM. As we walked, we communicated by thought. He knew all my thoughts and questions, and I knew his replies as he thought them. We passed by this house of rich but wicked folks. Since I was a new Chistian, I questioned how wicked people could be rich. The angel walked me to a concrete room which had no doors or windows. He used the rod which he carried and struck the wall. A door formed and we walked inside. He went to a corner of this room and struck the wall again with his rod. A brick of gold came shooting out from the wall. He took it and handed it to me. I shook my head “No.” He walked back to the corner of the room and struck the wall again. Out came a very large bunch of fruit, still on the vine. He handed it to me. This time, I gladly accepted. My arms were full of the fruit as I embraced the vine. I ate as much as I could. I actually felt my tummy puffed with the fruit. Then I stepped outside and gave the rest of the fruit to every one who passed by.

Shortly afterwards, the Lord gave me the interpretation of this vision. I had chosen to refuse the world and its wealth in order to pursue the wealth of the Lord. I would eat the Word of God and then share His Word with others. I have not regretted my choice! Glory! He adds the blessings!

One night, two of my friends and I were praying throughout the night, as we usually did. At 2:20 AM, I felt very hot Oil being poured into the skull of my head. The Lord Jesus then appeared to me, nailed to the Cross. He was wearing a loin cloth. His chin was drooped down. As I saw this vision of my Lord, tears stung my eyes. I suddenly realized that I was out of my body. My body was half-kneeling, half sitting. My spirit was standing. In a moment, the vision was taken away, and my spirit was back in my body. The Lord appeared to me again. This time, the Christ was in His royal robe of splendor! He was high and lifted up and His train filled the temple! This flowing robe was light blue in color. He was about two feet above the altar area. I shyly looked at my Lord. What a Beauty to behold! My Lord forcefully extended His hands to me as if to say, “Come to Me, My child!” At that moment, I noticed His wonderful eyes. They were a beautiful mix of blue and green, and they drew me to Him. I could only describe my Lord's eyes as a tumbling river of love, pulling me towards Him. And His smile! O, His smile. “Perfectly beautiful” is putting it mildly! His hair was light brown in color, shoulder-length, and with many curls. His smile is always before me. The vision vanished, but I always remember Him as I saw Him that night.

Such an anointing came over me that I felt as if I could lift a ton. I started to shout. “I saw the Lord! I saw the Lord!” By this time, it was around 4:30 in the morning. My sisters Doris and Rosa and I grabbed all the tambourines we could find and at that time of the morning, we marched several times around the sanctuary of the church. We sang the chorus, “I saw the Lord, I saw the Lord. He was high and lifted up and His train filled the temple!...” To God be all the glory!

One morning I saw the Dove of the Holy Spirit. He was sitting in a circular frame, like the frame of a round clock. He was staring intently at me.

One day I saw a Fiery Personality standing in our apartment. I got afraid. I rebuked this vision. To my utter amazement, as I went into the kitchen, here He was again. This time peace flooded my soul. This Person was the God Who answers by Fire.

These are just a few encounters in the spirit realm that I share with you. Praise the Lord! God bless you!